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09/12/08 6:55 AM

#148581 RE: streetstylz #148574

I know David

I'll give him a shout this weekend...

Best, JP

Ninja 200

09/12/08 10:47 AM

#148589 RE: streetstylz #148574


Why is it that everyone is down on NEOM? If it was Motorola or Nokia that had the patents, would all the schoolchildren still be crying? Or trying to cheat their way into the dance?

Nice job on your tireless efforts!



09/12/08 11:06 AM

#148590 RE: streetstylz #148574

He's not happy is he.

I suppose brand managers and advertisers will always have choices. If direct suits their needs, they can go open source Datamatrix. If they think the needs of a particular campaign would be better served with using the resolution server method, they can opt for that. Why shouldn't they have that choice?

He says:

"I'm disappointed however that they feel the need to monetize the process beyond the added SMS, call and data traffic it would naturally generate."

Really? Is he really surprised that capitalism still works? lol Does he really not think that normal competitive forces will eventually distill out cost-effective options for consumers to pick and choose from according to their needs and willingness to pay more or less? Does he want Socialism to be applied to mobile advertising? Does he want the 'free-est' ride he can get? lol

"I suspect that the layered architecture will also introduce unnecessary latency into the process compared with the direct access model used in Japan."

Who cares what he 'suspects' lol. If we had a tenth of a penny added to our share price for every time someone 'here' suspected that something good was about to happen, we'd all be rich lol. I 'suspect' that what he 'suspects' is probably a non-issue lol.

"There are also the obvious privacy issues associated with sharing so much demographic information with bar code campaigns."

Uh, I suppose folks can only provide the demographic info they are comfy with providing. Oooooh, I'm scared, someone might hack in to the system and find out that I'm male, approx. how old I am, what city I live in, my household income range, what day it is and what kind of phone I have. Geez, that would be awful. lol Or, I could just leave out whatever I might not want 'out there'.

