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04/02/02 2:50 PM

#2908 RE: Paule #2906

Aw, c'mon Paule...

What would we have to post about if you wrote a sanitized version? You keep writing the way you see fit. Write what's in your heart from your heart. Interpret your experiences from your own perspective. And for heaven's sake, do not sit on the sidelines.

For me, the actual killing and gutting is a miniscule part of the whole experience. But to another it can be the defining act's all perspective and very individualized. I personally don't like hound hunting and I won't do it. I do however, respect the rights of those who do. And some game, cougar, hogs, etc. need to be taken with hounds.


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04/02/02 5:47 PM

#2921 RE: Paule #2906

Paule write about the hunting. The night before, that morning, the weather, the country, that's how they write in Field & Stream not....

It's hard being a cold-blooded killer. There is nothing than can prepare a person for the gruesome reality that results from inserting your firearm behind the ear of your victim. The blood and brain back spraying all over your gun and arm almost to your own face. The pink and purple goop that oozes onto your shoes as you stand and stare at the collapsed body, you have just ended of life.

Your hunting stories are great and I enjoy them immensely. However you nor any other TRUE hunter is a "cold-blooded killer."

This verbiage negatively affects (is that right "a" ask that jailed dude he knows that "e" "a" crap) our passion. Long ago when I was a kid I did a pro-con debate on hunting and the teacher told me to never give ammunition to people who dislike hunting. It was wise advice from a wise teacher. The kill is the LAST reason I hunt, it happened so fast I can't even remember it. I'm sure the quarry didn't.

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04/02/02 5:59 PM

#2923 RE: Paule #2906

Running tally Paule, 682 removal requests

3 keep err requests (all from aliases with Paul prefix)


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04/02/02 6:05 PM

#2925 RE: Paule #2906

Ever the Walnut...

Hey, Paule... it was a dang fine piece... otherwise it would have been ignored... think you held up a mirror at angle most don't view themselves from... kind of funny. What the heck, you guys like to eat the meat and there's only one way to get it... I adore eating meat (save the cracks) and am grateful to the folks who do the processing.

killing is not antiseptic...

learned that during my month on homicide grand jury in Manhattan... every afternoon... five days a week... for four weeks straight... I was nauseated. We got to see pictures as well as hear stories... as secretary... I got to take notes... very enlightening.

there were light moments though... one of the murders happened in front of a Mexican restaurant a block away from me... good food... one of the witnesses who walked in was a well-groomed, casually but impeccably dressed black man... who looked incredibly familiar... turns out he was one of the local "beggars" who made his living from his wheelchair... was probably making far more money than I was in those days... he gave his testimony and at the end the A.D.A asked him what he did after he saw the shooting... he said...

"I hauled ass out of there."

"Excuse me?"

"I picked up my wheelchair and ran."


Dang I digress...

Write away Paule... I enjoy reading you.

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04/02/02 11:05 PM

#2936 RE: Paule #2906

I liked your story... though, my first mental picture was not that of a pig ;-)
You might want to consider, for future reference, IRL honesty is the best policy, in many cases, just isn't so.