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09/11/08 3:05 PM

#12251 RE: MRSMITH1 #12250

As to why BZTG, as I said earlier, I get emails or PM's from contacts on a regular basis suggesting I look at this deal or that one. Most are overvalued dogs but not scams so I just move on. I already told you that before so to expand further, I got a PM from a contact I respect and he asked me to check out this stock. He is a long side player and I guess he was told to check it and another one out as a possible buy but then... I don't know.. I guess something went wrong and he was told never mind. Anyway, he said he looked at it and thought it might be right up my alley. Does that answer your question.

As to my decision to stay... I'm not convinced one way or the other. I'll just keep digging and hang out here and chat in the interim. OK?


09/11/08 3:27 PM

#12255 RE: MRSMITH1 #12250

Sorry, I forgot the other questions. I didn't like your suggestions because they just didn't hit the right cord to me.

As to how long it takes to figure out if it's a scam, the answer is not long at all. The question is, how long before I can prove it's a scam. I would never call a company a scam just cause I think or feel it is. I see red flags but I have learned that there is a distinct line between hyperbole and fraud and no matter how good my "scamdar" is... I should keep my opinions to myself until I have the evidence. So, today I am still neutral on this one and continue digging.

Finally, while it's true there are tens of thousands of penny stocks, only a few make a lot of noise. The noisy ones catch the buzz if you will and at the same time they attract guys like me. Hopefully, this turns out to just be a company with a lot of compliant noise. If not, I'll let you know in great detail why I think its more. mmmk?