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06/30/04 10:55 AM

#928 RE: Amaunet #668

Japan buys into Russia's Far East

James Brooke/NYT ~~article_owner~~
Wednesday, June 30, 2004

VOSTOCHNY, Russia Far below the edge of a cavernous dry dock, hundreds of workers in orange jumpsuits and hard hats labored in a forest of steel reinforcing bars, laying the gray concrete bases for two gas- and oil-producing platforms that will soon rise 20 stories.

"The Japanese participation is huge," David Greer, the Sakhalin Energy Investment project director said shortly before Russian officials formally inaugurated the dry dock this week, part of a $150 million project in this port.

Two Japanese companies, Mitsui Co., and Mitsubishi Corp., own a total of 45 percent of Sakhalin Energy. Ensuring the viability of a project that could cost $10 billion, four Japanese electricity and gas companies have signed long-term contracts to buy the Russian liquefied natural gas.

Japanese capital is once again crossing the Sea of Japan and investing in Russia's Far East.

For much of the past decade, Japan has watched from the sidelines as China and South Korea entered Russia's Far Eastern holdings, which were rich in resources but poor in capital.

But last year, largely as the result of energy investments in Sakhalin, Japan became the largest investor nation in the region. Japanese investment totaled $820 million, most of it in Sakhalin. The second-largest entrant was the United States, with $100 million. Japanese trade with Russia rose 42 percent last year, with Japanese exports nearly doubling.

"More than 10 years ago, there were many cases of Japan investments in the Russian Far East, but there were many troubles, so Japanese companies started to withdraw," Toshikazu Endo, Russia policy adviser for Keidanren, or the Japan Business Federation. After leading a business delegation to Khabarovsk, a major city in the region, in May, he said, "Russian people have started to take a second look at Japanese goods."

In the century since Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, relations have been strained. The Pacific coastline of Russia bristles with fortifications built to repel a Japanese attack. But with the rise of China, Russia increasingly feels insecure about its Far East region, 36 percent of the national territory that contains only 5 percent of the population.

In a geopolitical shift with economic ramifications, Japanese are suddenly the favored Asians in Russia's Asian half. To promote tourism and investment, governors from the region are lobbying Moscow to allow Japanese to visit the Far East without visas. On July 17, Vladivostok Air is to inaugurate a weekly flight from Vostochny across the Sea of Japan to Tokyo, the first direct scheduled air link between Tokyo and the Russian Far East.

"We have more and more Japanese delegations coming here," Viktor Gorchakov, vice governor of the Primorye region for international economic development, said in Vladivostok. "The representatives of Sumitomo, Mitsui and Mitsubishi tell us they are looking for new opportunities for expansion."

Japan, which depends on the Middle East for about 85 percent of its oil consumption, is seeking to diversify.

"Sakhalin has abundant supplies of natural gas on our doorstep," said Toshitaka Hayakawa, president of Toho Gas, after Toho became the fourth Japanese company to sign a long-term contract for the purchase of Sakhalin gas.

"And the Sakhalin Energy LNG plant will be just a few days' sailing time from us."

In addition to huge oil and gas investments on Sakhalin - $5 billion from Japan already - the other product of this new economic marriage could be a 4,000-kilometer, or 2,500-mile, $10 billion pipeline from oil deposits west of Lake Baikal to Vostochny, a modern port that is the freight terminus for the Trans-Siberian Railway.

One year ago, the oil pipeline was to follow a shorter and cheaper route, to China. But the Japanese moved aggressively, offering to pay for most of the pipeline construction.

Today, regional leaders are Japan's best advocates in Moscow.

"The pipeline will be the Trans-Siberian railroad of the 21st century," Victor Ishayev, the governor of Khabarovsk, said on a recent visit to Japan, extolling the economic development the pipeline could bring.

After the inauguration ceremony for the dry dock in Vostochny, Sergei Darkin, governor of the Primorye region, said that his government was drawing up plans to build a petrochemical plant next to the pipeline.

President Vladimir Putin of Russia has yet to make an official announcement on the pipeline route, but a series of Russian government officials have endorsed the plan for the longer route to Vostochny. Transneft, the Russian state oil pipeline operator, has said that it hopes to complete a feasibility study by the end of this year.

"The Chinese are sort of resigned to the fact that the pipeline is not going to fly," Daojiong Zha, head of the Center for International Energy Security at Renmin University of Beijing, said while attending an energy conference in Japan.

In Moscow last week, Hatsuhisa Takashima, Japan's top Foreign Ministry spokesman, said, "Japan places high expectations on construction of this pipeline and exploration of east Siberian oil fields."

The New York Times


07/06/04 3:05 AM

#979 RE: Amaunet #668

Russia plays energy card

By Vladimir Radyuhin

RUSSIA HAS embarked on a new geopolitical game, playing its energy card to reclaim global clout. Its vast energy reserves and control over the markets in the former Soviet Union are to be leveraged to turn Russia into a superpower.

As global energy demand soars, the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, wants to position Russia as a key broker in the international market and use oil and gas exports as instruments to speed up the country's economic revival and enhance its geopolitical weight.

After dropping nearly 50 per cent from the Soviet era peak, Russia's oil output has soared again to exceed 450 million tonnes (together with gas condensates) by the end of the current year making it the world's second largest producer, behind only Saudi Arabia.

Total oil reserves are a state secret in Russia, but the former Energy Minister, Yuri Shafranik, estimates that Russia may have 44 billion tonnes of oil, more than Saudi Arabia does. Russia currently exports over 6.5 million barrels a day, taking crude oil and product together, and plans to boost exports to about 9 million barrels a day by the end of the decade — roughly equal to Saudi Arabia's current exports.

Russia is also the number one producer of natural gas in the world and has the biggest share — 32 per cent — of global reserves. Taken together, oil and gas make Russia the biggest energy producer in the world, and moreover, one of the few countries whose reserves are not shrinking yet. With the situation in West Asia destabilised in the wake of the Iraq war, the United States and other top oil-consuming nations have turned their eyes to Russia and energy-rich ex-Soviet republics.

The U.S. made big inroads into what Moscow considers its legitimate backyard during the chaotic rule of Russia's first post-Soviet President, Boris Yeltsin. Mounting an aggressive drive for control over Central Asia and Caspian oil and gas flows, Washington has pushed through the construction of a $3.6 billion Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline from Azerbaijan's coast on the Caspian Sea via neighbouring Georgia to Turkey's Mediterranean port of Ceyhan and is canvassing for building a gas pipeline to run parallel. These pipes should bring oil and gas from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and other Central Asian states to Western markets bypassing Russia. American and other Western energy giants control 60 per cent of oil extraction in Azerbaijan and 40 per cent in Kazakhstan.

Washington also came close to gaining a foothold in Russia's energy sector, privatised during the biggest selloff in world history in the 1990s. Following the purchase by British Petroleum of a 50 per cent stake in the Russian oil major, TNK, ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco came vying for a controlling 44 per cent share in Russia's biggest private oil company, Yukos. If the deal had come through, the West would have won control over one-third of Russia's total oil output and could have gained access to Russian export pipelines, which are currently controlled by the state. The idea was to mould Russia into an alternative supplier of oil free from OPEC-like state controls.

Mr. Putin wrecked these plans. The arrest of the Yukos head, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, last October on charges of fraud and tax evasion disrupted the company's sale to the U.S. oil majors and sent a clear message to Washington: the Kremlin is reasserting control over the strategic heights of the Russian economy. In a further display of new tough rules, Moscow in January annulled the results of a 1993 tender for a Sakhalin-3 oil field in the Far East won by the U.S. giants, ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco, citing the companies' failure to develop the field.

Mr. Putin's proactive policy in ex-Soviet Central Asia helped Moscow consolidate its hold over oil and gas flows from the energy-rich region. Last year, Russia's natural gas monopoly, Gazprom, sealed a mega deal with Turkmenistan to buy up to 50 billion cubic metres — practically all of Turkmenistan's gas exports — in the next 25 years. Earlier this month, Russia's LUKOil major signed a $930-million contract to develop a 250-billion-cubic-metre gas field in Bukhara, Uzbekistan, while the Gazprom natural gas giant is finalising a $1.5-billion 45-year deal to exploit fields on the Ustyurt plateau, western Uzbekistan.

A fierce struggle is unfolding for oil and gas exports from Kazakhstan, a land-locked Central Asian nation, which sits on the second biggest hydrocarbon reserves among the former Soviet states. Despite U.S. pressure, Kazakhstan may not give enough oil to the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline to make it commercially viable, as BTC transit tariffs are going to be twice as high as Russia's. Earlier this year, Kazakhstan's President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, said that he regarded Russia as a "priority transit route for Kazakh oil," while Russia has offered to expand its pipeline capacity to take the bulk of Kazakh oil exports

Last month, Kazakhstan signed a long-negotiated agreement with China to build by the end of 2005 a 1,240-km-long pipeline to carry 10 million tonnes of oil a year to Xinjiang province. President Nazarbayev invited Russia to pump its oil to China through the new pipeline, whose capacity is eventually set to double. Kazakhstan will also benefit from Russian oil companies' growing interest in exporting oil to Iran through Kazakhstan. Under swap deals, crude is delivered to refineries in northern Iran, while Iranian oil is shipped from Persian Gulf terminals to Russia's and Kazakhstan's customers in Asia. Potentially, Iran could take up to 25 million tonnes of oil from Russia and Kazakhstan annually.

Russian experts are convinced that Kazakhstan's long-term commitment to use Russian, Chinese and Iranian routes for its oil exports will make the U.S.-pushed BTC pipeline a money-losing project, as it will not be able to attract more than 28 million tonnes of crude, far short of its rated capacity of 50 million tonnes a year.

Russia's energy deals with Central Asian states have come a long way towards creating a "Eurasian Energy Union" proposed by Mr. Putin two years ago to control volumes and the direction of energy exports from Central Asia. The Union brings a double benefit to Russia, helping it meet growing energy needs in Europe and China and eliminating competition from the Central Asian energy producers in international markets.

Having tamed Russian oil tycoons and brought Central Asian energy sources under Moscow's control, Mr. Putin has made Russia with its booming oil and gas industry a truly global player that displaced Saudi Arabia as the main guarantor of global energy stability. It was Russia's oil output growth at 10 per cent a year that has helped offset China's booming demand for energy imports. At the recent G-8 summit in the U.S., Mr. Putin offered to use Russia's oil and gas reserves to promote global energy security and reduce the West's independence on energy supplies from potentially unstable regions.

In return, Mr. Putin wants his Western partners to facilitate Russia's admission to the World Trade Organisation, recognise its strategic interests in the former Soviet Union, and give Russia technologies and investment it needs to diversify its economy. There are indications he will get what he wants. In May the European Union cleared Russia's WTO entry, waiving its demands to Moscow to raise domestic gas prices to world level, dismantle Gazprom's monopoly on natural gas exports, and allow private gas and oil pipelines on the Russian territory.

The U.S. also appears willing to deal with Russia on Mr. Putin's terms. Barely a few months ago, Washington was warning Moscow that its assertiveness in the former Soviet zone and the tightening of state control over the economy could put at stake cooperation between the two countries. However, the U.S. Energy Secretary, Spencer Abraham, was in Moscow a couple of months ago to urge Russia to boost oil and gas supplies to the U.S. and discuss investment in the Russian energy sector.

Moscow made it clear that the U.S. would have to compete with China, Japan and South Korea for Russian oil and gas. China has offered to finance the construction of a $2.5-billion, 2,400-km oil pipeline from Angarsk near Baikal Lake to the northeastern Chinese city of Daqing with a rated capacity of 30 million tonnes of crude a year. Japan raised the stakes, pledging to cover the $5-billion cost of constructing a 4,000-km 50-million-tonne pipeline from Baikal to Russia's Pacific coast and provide another $2 billion to develop untapped oilfields in eastern Siberia.

Meanwhile, the U.S. is lobbying for the construction of a $4.5-billion, 50-million-tonne pipeline from Surgut in Western Siberia to Murmansk on the Barents Sea, from where oil will be shipped to the U.S. No doubt, Mr. Putin will choose the highest bidder, both in terms of economic and geopolitical benefits.

India was wise enough to secure a $1.7-billion slice of the Russian hydrocarbons pie off the Sakhalin Island back in 2001. Despite the current rush, India can tap on more Russian oil and gas riches taking advantage of its status as Russia's most trusted strategic partner.