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09/10/08 12:16 PM

#20438 RE: enemem #20427

A pipe would be ludicris at these levels. Maybe management has a way of manipulating the burn rate to extend available cash a few more months. Obviously fixed expenses and salaries are non manipulative but dollars spent on R&D and such may be directly reattainable. I haven't reviewed their balance sheet recently but any business should be able to tighten its belt a bit during times of difficult cash flow. Management has been off on every other prediction, lets hope they are wayward on the life expectency of their remaining cash.

I again cannot believe that analysis of 16 subjects can take this long or that cor's the inability to predict its outcome of completion can be so widely staggered. Cor's survival or dilution seems to hinge directly on the researcher's inate incompetence and the data catcher's direct inability to perform systematic data analysis in a timely fashion. Is it too much to ask a paid research entity to be able to meet customer timeline expectations. Given this type of track record, not to mention the lack of suitible personnel sit-ins while key individuals exercise their vacation priorities, it's no wonder any bio calls on such a entity to perform a study such as this in the first place. If this is bio common place, it's no wonder fruition of potentials takes so damn long to come to market and wouldn't Cor management again have seen some of this coming? I think so. Note to Cor management, stop making bogus predictions it's doing far more harm to your shareholders than good. False hope is far more damaging than no hope at all.

Finally, it appears that good ole Cor has again turned its loyal follower's sentiment to negative...must be a buy signal.