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09/09/08 9:31 PM

#1298 RE: stocktrader1120 #1296

stocktrader sounds like your getting confused to me

The government won't be running or even doing any hiring for MDOR. However there will be hiring programs through government agencies to get people paying jobs in Magog. It's election year as we speak so Magnum's application for funding won't go unnoticed indeed the election will improve our chances for funding closure IMHO.

As part of any subsidization from government Magnum will most definitely need to jump through this qualifying hoop and hire so many (pre-specified percentage) local Magog employees, but it's understood the hires will need to have adequate skills or the funding programs would never work LOL!

Magnum will need people to run the equipment even to work out the bugs. As you can see there a great many expenses incurred before the plant makes any money. Which is why I am eager to see the plant through a successful production launch! If only one shift at least the machinery will be paying down the debt.

You have to rely on skilled people so a 24/7 operation takes time for additional contracts and employees to arrive. Three shifts, at least TRIPLE any present work force manning the machines in set up mode but make no mistake employees will need to meet Magnum standards. MDOR isn't required to hire just anyone off the street, many millions of dollars are at stake here. It wouldn't help to screw up the initial contracts so let's be clear Magnum will decide who gets hired and who gets fired. They are simply maneuvering through a quagmire of fed red tape to qualify for the assistance, it's no simple process but it will be cost effective by way of fed funding programs.

HTH? .. Rich