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10/18/08 12:13 PM

#334 RE: BOREALIS #332 articles ~~ 09-06-2008 thru 09-18 -2008

Browse through the newest stories posted to our site, or search our archive of more than 7,000 news stories.
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2008-09-18 Can nanoscopic meadows drive electric cars forward?
2008-09-18 Nano Carrier Targets Cell Sites
2008-09-18 'Buckyballs' have high potential to accumulate in living tissue
2008-09-18 NSF funds multi-university center to study environmental implications of nanotechnology
2008-09-18 Nanotech Safety Study Established at Duke
2008-09-17 New technique sees into tissue at greater depth, resolution
2008-09-17 Coating copies microscopic biological surfaces
2008-09-16 A cautionary note in the use of carbon nanotubes as interconnects
2008-09-16 New carbon nanomaterial shows promise of storing large quantities of renewable electrical energy
2008-09-16 Simulations help explain fast water transport in nanotubes
2008-09-16 Researchers Discover Nanoparticles Can Break On Through
2008-09-15 Nanotechnology update from the Window Film Association of Australia and New Zealand
2008-09-15 Water purification down the nanotubes
2008-09-15 Nanomedical approach targets multiple cancer genes, shrinks tumors more effectively
2008-09-15 Flower-shaped nanoparticles may lead to better batteries for portable electronics
2008-09-15 Engineering professor aids in important nanotech advance
2008-09-15 Researchers capture high-re snapshot of nanoscale structure transformation
2008-09-15 Indian water purification goes nano
2008-09-14 Iran Makes Nano-Crystal Coated Titanium
2008-09-12 Lack of industry links 'keeping Indian nanotech small'
2008-09-12 Researchers develop nano-sized 'cargo ships' to target and destroy tumors
2008-09-11 Nanonets Snare Energy
2008-09-11 A snapshot of the transformation of nanoscale structures
2008-09-11 Wales 'could seize nanotech opportunities'
2008-09-09 Future nanoelectronics may face obstacles
2008-09-09 Switched-on new nanotechnology paints for hospitals could kill superbugs
2008-09-09 Trillionth Floor, Please
2008-09-09 Lack of industry links 'keeping Indian nanotech small'
2008-09-08 How Small is Too Small? Researchers Find that Polarization Changes at the Nanoscale
2008-09-08 Golden Nanorods for Medical Applications
2008-09-08 Nanotube "longboats" can deliver toxic drugs to cancer cells while sparing healthy ones
2008-09-07 A new 'Pyrex' nanoparticle
2008-09-06 Nanomaterial cleans up fluorescent bulbs