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09/04/08 8:12 AM

#56835 RE: jcrom56 #56834

"No income, owing employees a small fortune and nothing to show for itself to date? This is not the state of a company that is alive and well. Not when you go back to day one, chronicle the promises and time lines given along with those promises. What have they ever accomplished, much less accomplished on time? With all this time that this "disruptive" technology has been maintaining a presence in the heart of the commodities trading world, don't you thing if there were anything to it, someone with pockets would have snapped up the cause? The fact that they can't turn a dime from their own professional community tells you all you need to know, IMO. And didn't the complaint filed against Groves and He have a few revealing statements about the misstated info once handed out about winning trades? I wonder how many people bought stock because of those false claims? I know I did, but thankfully I bailed shortly thereafter when it became clear things were not going anywhere. IMO, this is a classic pink sheet sub penny flim-flam. It may have started with good intentions, but it isn't finishing that way."

I'm curious about a couple of things:

If it appears, in your opinion, that Spooz is failing why isn't there a mass exodos of employees?

Didn't Groves and He generate the misinformation and couldn't they have done so for their own benefit and/or not been very good at what they professed to be?

If you bailed out that long ago why come to this board just recently and then remain here?


09/04/08 8:53 AM

#56837 RE: jcrom56 #56834


The fact that employees are willing to defer their pay so that the company can get off the starting block says volumes about how strongly the employees feel about the chances of success for their company. Think about it for a minute. How could employees be so supportive of their company as to defer their pay if the company had nothing to show?

To me it is an excellent indicator and a very strong testament of how much the employees believe in their company. They are the ones that really should know am I not right? Would you defer your pay so that your company can continue and get off the ground. I doubt it. It is proof positive and a huge statement of commitment of an emerging company with disruptive products and dedicated employees to boot. Watch out above!

Your believing Groves when he lied about the winning trades shows how little you know about Groves. And yet you defend him? It has been pointed out several times here that Groves is a liar. Why would he steal software and risk jail time if the product didn't work? if you think about that too even for even a minute or two your logic here just does not make sense either. It further proves that everything Groves says is a smoke screen. Admit it, you fell for his story then you come to this board and chastise others for knowing better? Not very sound reasoning I would say.


09/04/08 12:24 PM

#56850 RE: jcrom56 #56834

jcrom56, I've never thought Spooz was the ideal Camelot where bills would be paid on time, there'd be no problems marketing, and time lines would always be met. I certainly didn't expect the Company's Crown Jewels to be stolen - although it was management's fault for not getting background checks on prospective employees. Nor did I expect (what appears to be) a tough industry for newcommers to penetrate.

Am I disappointed things haven't jelled in a positive way sooner ? You bet I am ! I actually think : ) management of both Spooz and 141 Capital have made blunderS and as good as they are in some things they've been less than stellar at others.

However, I believe top management is smart and capable of learning and has indeed learned enough (added to what they are good at) to successfully carry out their current business plans. I've decided not to throw the baby out with the wash water and sit pat because I see evidence of success coming.