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09/02/08 10:57 PM

#39097 RE: bdahl385 #39096

bdahl385, your shares are not your concern and nobody needs to be worried about their shares. Your BROKER is responsible for your shares... that is one way in which a short squeeze happens. When the time comes that they MUST make good on the actual number of shares out there then THEY (the broker/MM) are the ones who are responsible for finding "real" shares... not you.

So, just to be clear, you don't need to worry if your shares are air shares/naked shorted shares/etc... your broker will be the one worrying when the time comes :)


09/02/08 11:30 PM

#39101 RE: bdahl385 #39096

bdahl - Looks like zguy already answered your question, but I will add gravy. Last year when this came up a lot and we first started noticing the t trades and saw signs of NSS, I called the TA who was more than willing to issue paper certificates through my broker.

I called my broker, who will remain nameless (fidelity), and asked for paper certificates. The poor guy who answered my call was more than happy to help.....until he looked up the stock. He then put me on hold and came back to inform me that they could not issue paper certificates for pink sheet stocks. Not just Hemi, but pink sheets in general. I challenged him as I knew others on the board were receiving them and I had already talked to the TA.

on hold again....then came a story about how the TA was not issuing certs for this particular stock. Obviously I challenged him again. The poor kid had no answer. He was very much on the spot and stuck between a customer and a manager he kept going back to. Anyway, I had to start laughing at the situation Fidelity was in (but did feel bad for the kid). Light heartedly, I asked "you guys never did get me shares, did you?" No answer except 'uh'. "I don't have real shares in my account do I?" Again, all I got was a "uh".

I ended up dropping it because as I learned more, they are responsible for the shares when I sell or when the company forces a cover. Fidelity is big enough that I'm not worrying about them not being able to cover. I then spoke with Hemi and asked about the TA, my shares, and told my story. Turns out, at that time at least, the TA informed Hemi that Fidelity had NEVER sought backed shares. I'm not just talking about the 200,000 I had at the time.....I mean NEVER. Period. For anyone.

I have a feeling that most the shares owned by all of us on the board are not real. So yes, shares are sold in apparently limitless numbers, but no accountability is ever required to cover them with REAL shares. It's a shame. That is why I am so anxious for the company to do something to force a cover. A dividend, merger, buyout, anything that makes these crooks accountable.

In fact, if you look back on the charts we had a day where we shot up from about .50 to .90. That rise was caused by a MM needing to cover. They had approached Keith asking to buy a large chunk of shares and Keith said 'no, go buy it on the open market'. The company is worth more than the .50 or so they offered.