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09/02/08 11:19 AM

#352886 RE: live2trade #352882

He just came back from a foreign policy trip that was hailed one of the best foreign trips by any presidential nominee, EVER! How many times has Palin been to Iraq??? Afghanistan?? Israel??? Spoken with European foreign leaders??? Our European Allies?? How many??? Come on. I DARE YOU!!!!

"Those Who Would Sacrifice Liberty for Security Deserve Neither." -Benjamin Franklin


09/02/08 11:20 AM

#352887 RE: live2trade #352882

Yes! and I am waiting as well to watch Obama ball like a little girl and run to his mommy’s breast after he loses his teleprompter and can't speak coherantly in the debates....William (Bill) Ayers is one anti-American terrorist and should be in a Penitentiary for life!

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