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05/27/04 12:58 PM

#63582 RE: gernb1 #63581


"several million" over what period of time, from which orders..?? you know or have they said?? Their statement is pretty vague as usual, but perhaps someone has some kind of timeframe...since their burnrate is also "several million"....



05/27/04 1:58 PM

#63586 RE: gernb1 #63581

IMHO, the initial deal offered Alaska (for a reported unit cost of ~$1000) might have been discounted considerably to reflect Alaska's willingness to support the project from the outset. Even at $1400-1500, the price compares very favorably to alternanative turnkey IFE solutions.


05/27/04 3:25 PM

#63589 RE: gernb1 #63581

Maybe it was 'three figures'

Hmmmm - These IFEs could become a nice business all by itself...

We will be needing a bigger building... because they're sure as hell 'Other Service' ongoing.



05/27/04 4:52 PM

#63594 RE: gernb1 #63581

"Oh, and owd, we haven't heard the result of the F10 arbitration yet have we??"

what the heck differnce is that going to make? Even if they win, so what? They spent how may years and burnt how many resources against a project that is a complete and utter failure?

Just like the IFE stuff, the F-T project was supposed to be huge and open the door to millions of automotive units sold at astronomical margins. Remember the touts who were multiplying the number of Lexus vehicles produced in a year by huge margins?? So you go from being in bed with Toyota to hanging your hopes on a one time shot from an arbitrator? EDIG gets a shot at arbitration, meanwhile F-T is going to sell how many units with no EDIG inside this year?

The only thing an arbitration win would do is stretch out the time it takes EDIG to burn through the rest of the authorized shares by 6 months and maybe free up a little cash to pay bonuses.

An arbitration win does not miraculously put Humpity Dumpity back together, that deal is broke. Just like GW, and Dataplay, and Portal, and every other deal you thought was going to leads to profits for EDIG.

Replace F-T with APS and automotive with IFE and lather, rinse, and repeat.