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08/30/08 3:35 PM

#351635 RE: sylvester80 #351631

Baracks presidential qualifications is nill. An unqualified Pres is a slightly worse than an unqualified VP- note the slightly.

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08/30/08 4:33 PM

#351673 RE: sylvester80 #351631

Exactly. You can't live in glass houses and throw stones.

Obama may be weak on foreign policy but he chose Biden.

McCain may be weak on the economy and he chose Palin.

Voters need to decide who the better pair is and who will fix what's broken.

Right about now I'd say both the economy and our foreign policies are broken.

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08/30/08 8:42 PM

#351797 RE: sylvester80 #351631

You can tell the reason Obama is the most qualified to be President simply by looking at how he ran his campaign. He started as the most unlikely of candidates and grew an enormous and passionate base from the ground up by choosing team players who were loyal to his cause and also had the most strategic and well planned out ground game in the history of election primaries.

He raised more money than anyone EVER and managed his money unbelievably well (as I predict he'll handle the economy}. He's the only candidate who had no need to shake-up his staff in mid-stream as both Hillary and McSame ultimately had to do.

He's still on the ground organizing with an unprecedented amount of field offices and an amazing GOTV effort. The wing-nuts can screech all they want about what little experience he has and that he's never accomplished anything.

All they need to know is that HE took down the Clinton machine and HE will take down the KKKarl Rove machine as well. No easy task.

Go Obama. Go America!!!!