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08/30/08 3:37 PM

#351636 RE: BullNBear52 #351612

If you take away tax breaks for company that use out of country labor, what would the effect be?

They will be forced to hire American workers at wages 5-10 times higher than in say China. Prices will go up and/or profits will go down

IF they take the bait and hire American with tax incentives, we Americans will in effect be subsidizing those companies anyway and will end up paying for the subsidies in the long run

It's just another form of welfare and distorts the marketplace

We complain when european countries subsidize their own industries and impose tariffs, but this would do the same thing

It's the same as imposing a profits tax on oil companies- the end result would be less exploration and higher gas taxes

It's just the typical dem class warfare meme. Using populist ideology to solve economic problems that aren't there is ridiculous