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08/29/08 8:36 PM

#351090 RE: PegnVA #351087

heard on Thom Hartmann that Palin supports aerial hunting of wolves, including wolf pups. That is just evil
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08/29/08 8:37 PM

#351093 RE: PegnVA #351087

Lawmakers will hire someone within a week to investigate whether Governor Sarah Palin abused her power in firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.

The legislative council approved 100,000 dollars for the investigation that will find out whether Palin was angry at Monegan for not firing an Alaska State Trooper who went through a messy divorce with Palin's sister.
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Soul Washer

08/29/08 8:39 PM

#351096 RE: PegnVA #351087

I feel sorry for Palin, Biden going to eat her alive.
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08/29/08 8:44 PM

#351105 RE: PegnVA #351087

shows how desperate McCain is to pick a woman like Palin in order to appeal to disaffected PUMAs (they are not Hillary supporters), rather than someone that is qualified to be VP
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08/29/08 8:46 PM

#351109 RE: PegnVA #351087

Same as your boy Barrack the terrorist
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08/29/08 9:13 PM

#351142 RE: PegnVA #351087

>>>Sarah Palin has been in office lightly more than one year.<<<

Check this out. So much for picking running mates you know well and know you get along with.

John McCain first met Sarah Palin only six months ago and had just one conversation with the Alaska governor before offering her the vice presidential slot on the Republican ticket, the Arizona senator's campaign said Friday.

The move appears to be a marked departure for McCain — a man known for his tendency to surround himself with a close circle of advisers and politicians he has long felt comfortable with.

Looks like another Harriet Myers moment. Find a female and don't worry about credentials!!
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08/29/08 9:19 PM

#351149 RE: PegnVA #351087

That's one year more than Obomba.