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08/28/08 7:49 AM

#350165 RE: sylvester80 #350163

LOL! Wake up, dude:

Political shows boost ratings of Fox News
By Paul J. Gough
Hollywood Reporter

Published on Monday, Aug 25, 2008

NEW YORK: Political-themed programming last week worked wonders for the already high Fox News Channel ratings.

Special Character & Conduct profiles of the two presidential candidates scored high in the ratings taking the place of the vacationing Bill O'Reilly.

On Monday, the Barack Obama documentary averaged 2.3 million viewers, Nielsen Media Research said. That compared with 1.1 million for MSNBC's Countdown and 687,000 for CNN's Election Center. It also beat The O'Reilly Factor average July ratings, which are 2.2 million.

Tuesday's documentary on John McCain averaged 2.6 million viewers, compared with 1.3 million for MSNBC's Countdown and 499,000 for CNN's Election Center.

That's all atop Fox News Channel's win on Aug. 23 among the three cable newsers of the Saddleback Presidential Forum, where Obama and McCain were interviewed by the Rev. Rick Warren. Fox News' two-hour coverage averaged 2.8 million viewers with CNN's 1.9 million and MSNBC's 871,000.

NEW YORK: Political-themed programming last week worked wonders for the already high Fox News Channel ratings.

Special Character & Conduct profiles of the two presidential candidates scored high in the ratings taking the place of the vacationing Bill O'Reilly.

On Monday, the Barack Obama documentary averaged 2.3 million viewers, Nielsen Media Research said. That compared with 1.1 million for MSNBC's Countdown and 687,000 for CNN's Election Center. It also beat The O'Reilly Factor average July ratings, which are 2.2 million.

Tuesday's documentary on John McCain averaged 2.6 million viewers, compared with 1.3 million for MSNBC's Countdown and 499,000 for CNN's Election Center.

That's all atop Fox News Channel's win on Aug. 23 among the three cable newsers of the Saddleback Presidential Forum, where Obama and McCain were interviewed by the Rev. Rick Warren. Fox News' two-hour coverage averaged 2.8 million viewers with CNN's 1.9 million and MSNBC's 871,000.

In a nut shell, your bias will pick up the demographic for any one show.

Edit - Those folks that switched to the other channels for the DNC viewing lost their RNC cards. They can still vote for McCain though so don't get your hopes up.

As long as we read only that with which we agree, we learn nothing. - Chester Dolan
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08/28/08 8:27 AM

#350171 RE: sylvester80 #350163

lmaooo, suprise, suprise. Of course FOX would come in last, there fair and blance, not like the rest of the stations there up against. all them crooked stations are pulling for obama, what a joke.
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08/28/08 11:11 AM

#350221 RE: sylvester80 #350163

That is because it was the Dem convention and Fox was talking through most of it with their Rep cronies.

Their rating will go sky high next week with the die-hard Republicans glued to the tv for another brainwashing.

CSPAN and PBS had the best coverage followed by CNN.

Watch how Fox handles tonight's event.

Now that the Clinton's have said what they were expected to say we will see if they mean it.

Obama really needs to kick so butt for once tonight.

The Dems had better be all over the Rep convention everyday next week beating the puss out of the pansies or this week will have been only half as effective as it should be for them.

I expect the die-hard Hillary grunts, who are really republican plants, to continue there attacks on Obama even after both Clinton's have made their statments.

These people will be interesting to watch from here on out.

I also noticed the latest FOX/MCCAIN smear in the works over a foundation Obama and Ayers were on together. If they can't get him with Rev. Wright they need to try again. The things the Republican Party will do to win or steal an election.

When my party cannot win based on what they are for without smearing the other party's candidate, it tells me that my parties candidate is not qualified to lead my country. You don't attack like this out of strength and conviction but out of fear and weakness!

I will not vote for a Republican Coward. McCain needs to stand up and be the politician he said he was going to be.

Any guesses on who McCain's VP will be now?



I can't imagine Leiberman or Pawlenty as they are both too dare weak for the job.

Romney can fight for a little while and any woman on McCains ticket will make the other side look like a bully for beating the crap out of her.

I think he will go with a Female, IF THEY LET HIM.