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08/23/08 12:49 PM

#348307 RE: ieddyi #348267

>>>Fitz wasn't on tirqal and any statement he made was just his opinion and he would never be subject to perjury.<<<

You're saying a prosecutor can lie in court without consequence to create a crime that doesn't exist? In this case.......he would have lied about Plame's covert status to create the crime he was prosecuting? Wouldn't one of Bush's best buddies George Tenet have had something to say about that had it been the lie you say it was?

Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong has been disbarred after being found guilty of a battery of ethics violations for his handling of the Duke Lacrosse investigation, a North Carolina Bar disciplinary committee announced Saturday evening.

The bar's three-member disciplinary panel unanimously found Nifong guilty of fraud, dishonesty, deceit or misrepresentation; of making false statements of material fact before a judge; of making false statements of material fact before bar investigators, and of lying about withholding exculpatory DNA evidence, among other violations.

"The Arizona Supreme Court on Friday disbarred a former Pima County prosecutor, siding with a commission that found he had violated ethics rules by knowingly eliciting false testimony in a capital murder case.

Death Penalty Prosecutor Disbarred for Perjury

In a highly unusual decision, set forth in a 45-page unanimous opinion, the Arizona Supreme Court upheld a recommendation for disbarment of the state's most "successful" capital homicide prosecutor for suborning and exploiting known perjury.

"A prosecutor who deliberately presents false testimony, especially in a capital case, has caused incalculable injury to the integrity of the legal profession and the justice system."