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08/23/08 9:26 AM

#12883 RE: lucky, mydog #12882

How long have you been investing in pennies? The funny thing is guys like you complain about these start-ups and cry over their performance when if you took a look at the big boards, you would see a much bigger issue there. How many financial related companies have crashed and burned taking all or most of their shareholders money with them, even tho they were fully reporting and compliant with the big board regs? You continue to throw rocks at Mr Fiorillo even tho you know absolutely nothing about him, have never met him, and know absolutely nothing about his finances. You claim he took all the money and ran, would you please tell me how much cash he got away with??? I have been to his home on several occasions and will tell you this, if he has all the money you claim he has, he sure is hiding it well. No doubt mistakes have been made, but to be making the claims you continue to make just show your lack of knowledge about what you speak. Plans are in place to bring liquidity back to shareholders and he is working daily to fulfill his promise to his shareholders, that they will see a real opportunity for the dollars that were invested.