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08/21/08 11:02 PM

#29621 RE: USC Cowboy #29619


BTW, maybe you guys should just elect me president.

I promise an oil well in everyone's back yard.

Of course the tax payer has to buy the beer. ;)


08/22/08 6:22 AM

#29622 RE: USC Cowboy #29619

Maybe you should try the private label Kool Aid.....

Posted by: texas4286 Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008 9:22:20 PM
In reply to: Chiricano who wrote msg# 18232 Post # of 18237

Chiricano, ALRY and HMGP represent less than 5% of my investments. (Anybody who puts more than 5% into pennies is a fool.) As a result, if either one, or both, crash and burn, it's not a big deal.

That being said, if you check my posting history, you will find that I was a severe critic of Hemi management from late last August through mid-January. At that time I was fortunate enough to come by some information which totally changed my view of Hemi and its management. As a result, I'm totally comfortable with my HMGP holdings.

Unfortunately, this is not the case with ALRY. Hence, I call it as I currently see it. If and when circumstances cause me to change my mind, I'll gladly admit, as I did last January with Hemi, to the "error of my ways." To date, however, the management of ALRY's actions (and inactions) have only heightened my distrust.

That's the way it is, like it or not.