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08/21/08 10:25 AM

#108379 RE: Cause #108378

I am sure Liquidity will come

The concept of the Exchange will catch on IMO. Investors are tired of the corruption in the US Markets, I know I am. I will take my chances and I like what I see with the growth and potential in the Exchange.
Some thought the Exchange would not get to where it is now, well it did and IMO will move forward.
With all due respect, it means nothing if you can not remove cash. We have heard they are working on making the PDR Exchange liquid. But in all honesty what does that mean?

Consider Scottrade for a minute? What liquidity do they need? You have to upload cash to buy and sell, it's that simple. The liquid comes from the accounts. Perhaps what they are saying is they don't have any money to pay the guarantees (which should have nothing to do with liquidity) and they are trying to rob peter to pay paul. I mean, they claim to have gold, but for some reason they can't sell it.

It's not looking good. IMO it's just a madder or time before real legal issues start happening. They are in default. Talk is cheap. We have heard talk for over a year.
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08/21/08 11:00 AM

#108382 RE: Cause #108378

Thank you that is what I have been saying as others. Instead of naming negative posters as not helpful and naming positive posters as helpful all they need to do is address the issues that are serious.

But they do not when are all the belivers going to see that they have nothing if they did they would of paid out what they owed. That would of showed everyone this was real. Right now gold is up to all time highs but yet they do not sell it because they can not. Never heard such CRA$ before. I had gold and sold it very easy. I was buying gold back when I was in the marine corps had a nice little stash nothing big but I sold a year ago should of waited and would of made more.

IT is all there for you to see they are broke. The most simple things to do are so easy to do if you have money. They can not buy back shares on the open market. That takes money to do. So they offer .003 which is way under the offer of .05 per share does that make sense. Turn down a offer of .05 but then offer .003.

They WILL NOT have AF done because there is no money.

Come all wake up they talk about reading 40,000 post and name posters then they talk about a R/S but none of this is in a PR it is on there make believe site.

All the die hard bellievers either left sold out or now are even saying this is a scam. And even some of the longs that are praying for somthing good to happen are now worried.

If the rest just would see this I bet MT and his side kick would back up and run to Panama but as long as there are idiots still buying into it they will stay and steal as much as they can from you all.