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Bird of Prey

03/27/02 12:21 PM

#180 RE: ola #178


You misunderstand entirely. I am not here to convert you to any form of religion. You have taken a position however that mocks anyone that doesn't believe as you do. You have based that belief on flawed logic...namely that because there is no proof that God exists he cannot exist.

You have fallen into the If, Then trap. IF x is true then y must also be true.

As further proof of the error in you logic. According to your postulation gravity did not exist until Sir Issac Newton proved that it did. You still cannot see gravity, or touch or hear or feel or smell gravity. You can see and feel the effect of gravity. And if one wished to carry this portion of the discussion further God exists because you can see the effect of God through those that believe in him.

Improperly used, the If, Then statement can present those incapable of critical thought with a false representation of the world around them. One of the best examples of how this can be done is an Abbott & Costello routine where Abbott asks Costello if he is in various cities. When Costello responds "no" Abbott explains "if you aren't in any of those cities, then you must be someplace else! and if you are someplace else, then you aren't here!"

WRT, your statement that "we" haven't found the tools to detect God I will suggest you narrow your focus a bit. More correct would be that YOU haven't found the tools to detect God. Perhaps you will, perhaps you won't. A relationship with God is a rather personal thing, one you will have to resolve for yourself. A good start might be to show a little less contempt for those that believe differently form you.

The Bird of Prey