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08/19/08 4:19 AM

#28649 RE: kauaikid #28644 like to be summoned to appear in a hawaiian court.....but if it has to be nevada, can we make it las vegas?...

if it helps, i am now declaring i have inside information...

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08/19/08 4:56 AM

#28650 RE: kauaikid #28644

Well, Americans are a litigious society, for all the good it does you. Eat Big Macs everyday for a lifetime, and then sue the fast food company you buy them from, after you have a coronary, despite all the warnings. Watch news clips showing the physical size of many of the "American public", who are apparently now concerned about their own sudden, mysterious, suspicious obesity and looking for someone to sue. Very sad. Pitiful, really.

With ONEV, we are talking about half a dozen guys making not much money, including Dean, in the overall scheme of things, to live in a very expensive area of the country, in a rough industry.

They have kept the company afloat through the hi tech bust. They repeatedly and publicly label ONEV high-risk, with ongoing concerns. They repeatedly warn potential investors to think seriously before investing any money in ONEV. They repeatedly and publicly warn potential investors that they could lose ALL of their investment. They repeatedly warn investors that management can promise NOTHING.

Given all those public "red-flag" statements and warnings, I would say us investors will get just what we deserve, some more than others. Sue've got to be kidding.
Those investors have to much time on their hands (probably too much money), not enough to do, and a blame someone else attitude.

It's true Dean makes more money than I do but I have a heck of a lot more job security and benefits, and don't have a young family to support in SD. You couldn't pay me enough to do Dean's job, even if I did know something about tech.

This ain't Enron we are talking about here. This ain't Jonas Salk, claiming he has cured polio.

I knew the risk, invested my money anyhow. If I win, I get credit. If I lose, I get the blame.

It's also not like a lot of law suits cluttering up Dean's life, or further draining the company's already modest resources, would help Dean focus on fixing the problem. Nor would it help us get one red cent out of a company that is hanging on by a wire. IMO, no offence......lawsuits are a silly topic. I am not a big believer in either the blame-game or in the strategy of shooting myself in the foot.

Outcome certain.......pour precious money into a forensic accountant who scours the books, says yes, an accounting trail with toxic investors is always complicated but I don't see much cooking of the books here folks. There isn't enough money to cook, never has been!! No $10,000 shower curtains here!!

I chose to invest in ONEV. I am responsible. Get over it.