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08/16/08 1:20 PM

#147529 RE: jonesieatl #147528

I found this on an RFID b.b.....would this infringe on NEOM's patents, or does this involve a "direct" route???? We do hold an RFID patent.
Dr. Mike

BILL ALLEN: NFC: the embedded RFID for marketers


July 26, 2008 – As Sirit makes news with successful financials and acquisitions, Director of RFID Bill Allen talks how overlapping RFID with NFC ties together contactless payment and marketing technology.

We hear that Sirit is working with NFC technology in addition to RFID. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

ALLEN: Sure. NFC is an emerging technology that has been around for a few years and has been pushed by many of the credit card companies and telephone handset manufacturers, to provide conveniences to the consumers, such as the ability to pay for items with their cell phones, making the cell phone actually become your credit card.

It also enables the cell phone to obtain information. The vision is to have marked posters, “smart signs,” with a tag the cell phone can read to get information on a product or a movie or something of that nature.

How does the Sirit NFC offering work?

ALLEN: We actually developed a tag that is contained within the cell phone. There is an NFC chip and we write the software layer that talks from the chip to the cell phone, itself.

What else can cell phones communicate with that might personalize information for the receiver?

ALLEN: Along with smart billboard and smart signs, the other capability is providing consumers with instant savings, instant rebates, instant coupons shopping in a grocery store.

Using your NFC unit phone, you can actually obtain information on that product and do comparison shopping immediately. So, there are all kinds of capabilities that NFC can bring for the consumer that are a great benefit.

How would the coupon-type activity work if you were in a retail store? What would actually happen?

ALLEN: A lot of stuff has not been defined yet from the retailer perspective, but the vision is to be able to enable consumers to make more intelligent shopping decisions. The benefit would also be to provide some immediate savings as the consumer is shopping throughout the retail stores.

How do the buyers, i.e. people who either do billboards or create phones or have retail stores to offer discounts, react when they hear about this?

ALLEN: Well, it is an interesting concept to them. Right now, there has been little adoption here in the U.S.; but there have been some pilot programs that have been pretty successful.

Japan and other parts of Asia are already using NFC enabled cell phones. We work with cell phone manufacturers that are already using NFC over in Asia. We have also been working with Microsoft to help enable NFC functionality within Microsoft.

Would it be correct to say that there are applications of NFC that you could use as an embedded technology in products other than cell phones?

ALLEN: Sure, embedded into store displays, again, if we go back to smart billboards and smart signs.

Embedded RFID technology, I think, is still a very young and emerging market, and we envision embedded RFID to have more and more applications. That is an important segment for us, since we manufacture modules that actually get embedded into hand held computing devices; printers that are enabled with RFID; and we remanufacture a number of products for the embedded RFID marketplace.


08/16/08 1:30 PM

#147533 RE: jonesieatl #147528

"While the 'space' has been 'heating up' , NeoMedia should have simply remained in cryogenic stasis for the last few years with the thaw timer set by our myopic 'visionary' for 2009 at the earliest.

Instead , the powers-that-were and the powers-that-be all chose the immediate gratification / self-reward path ... without fully understanding that reward means "Something given or received in recompense for worthy behavior" , and they chose to spend millions upon tens of millions of dollars of our money .... foolishly."

I've thought about this too, and I agree to an extent. Everyone would agree that CJ's "supercompany" fiasco, with Al Refkin pulling CJ's gullible and inattentive strings, changed everything. The question that many shareholders have is "why", as it certainly has the appearance of a strategy to fail for a separate purpose. Knowing as they did, back in early 2006, that the mobile space/handsets/brands were not yet ready for the Internet of Things, they should have gone into conservation mode; cutting all unimportant staff (what did CJ's son ever do for the company?) and focusing on forging good industry relationships while building out the tech and keeping hunter/durst on board to build out the ip portfolio.

I don't know, but that's what it seems like should have been done. "cryogenic mode" with active engineers and relationship builders. Maybe bleedingedge could offer some insight as to the waste/non-essential personnel issues of the 2004-2006 period.


08/16/08 1:41 PM

#147534 RE: jonesieatl #147528

5 star post, jonesie!

while NEOM may possibly succeed, only YA will truly benefit.
and we have been used...
we are suckers for scooping up 'cheap shares' each time cornell dumped their freshly bestowed stock.
and YA are suckers in a different sense- milking us on behalf of keeping the company alive and lining their own deepening pockets.

PP, Tobin, Moulds and now Bena spoke for YA to keep us excited, imo, and continue to infuse the company with cash via YA.
that they KNOW what they are doing to the average shareholder and that they KNOW without our averaging down, etc. their cash well would be dry is beyond knowingly criminal.
it's unethical.
despite its legality.

and we hang on 'cause selling what we have won't make much of a difference financially anymore- and we still have hope (visa vie YA's latest voice/Bena) that something is cooking up good on the horizon.
and they keep flooding the market without worries, as they know a R/S is real, then they can do the milking dance all over again.

it's freakin sad.

this company owes us all explanations and reasonable reporting-- that's my understanding of the rules of the road.
and I just don't see it coming.