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08/15/08 10:48 PM

#11552 RE: imgunnaretire #11547

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! what!!! golden state????
are you sure that mark is my neightber!!!!!!????
(ok, i'm packing and ready to move to your area or go back to kona!!!) .....just kidding!!!!!!!...... ah.... ahem! (ok, i can take that)

you see, in my honest opinion, mark, braden, ucant, davit, on and on and on....etc.... can cause traffic on this board and create a new dicussions... serious questions and sometimes not ....(caused by their worries)...but we are all human and just a human!!!... and and .... and! on top of it, we are all exbx shareholders and we must post what ever about exbx!!! its great and my honest opinion... this boad is getting very very nice board.... i think much better than any other boards in the world!!!... many thanks to eagle and his assitants (imgonnaritire and ....rocketman and robert) for keeping the baord very balanced..... my honest opinion.

good evening, my respect, imgunnaritire.
how are you doing?
hope everything is just fine for you :)

i placed my buy order @0.18 a few days ago but i didn't get it so i withdawed my order and tried to place higher price, but and someone got it at 0.18.... crazy

good night sir,


my post will be daleted? since its so crazy for someone?


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