"Ordo ab chao?"
While I'm sure your little quote there will mean nothing to most, I for one am hoping for "Dollars Out of Chaos."
Riddle me this...
What are the chances that EVERYONE is expecting some kind of BIG news tomorrow, to the point of timing the Lumb hit piece to "break" a day prior, while have Lumb "get out of jail" on that same day/night just in time to come and post on here prior to the "Big Day"?
Personally , I was expecting big news and now I'm not so sure... but who knows, order out of chaos is typically order brought forth with controlled chaos, used to manipulate those without knowledge of what's actually happening behind the scenes. It's a dialectic I'm sure at least some of you have seen playing out in today's social and political climate.
I think both Lumb performances, as well as some of the more notorious bashers showing up here, along with ridiculous anti-lumb "news stories"/ihub rehashes are likely all part of a VERY VERY big campaign to get people watching FFGO.
I could be wrong here, but the drama seems too contrived, too perfect, and too digestible, even for an idiot like me.
Regardless, I am loving the action. Riding free shares on a show like this is just too enjoyable.
I dipped my toes into "pinkyland" for the first time with FFGO and I think I can describe it better by stating more accurately, "I REALLY STEPPED IN IT". I have a hard time believing that in years to come I will ever find anything as bizarre as what's gone down here over the last 2 weeks and I'll certainly miss it when all is said and done.
Goodnight and good luck to everyone with this play. Who knows, maybe Janice can even cash in and write a book about it later.
I just hope it turns out better than that ridiculous hit piece complete with it's closing disclaimer. Those familiar with legal speak and the concept of liable over PRing slander know what I'm talking about.
I wish you all the best. Go FFGO!