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08/03/08 9:53 PM

#6042 RE: righty #6038

That's great righty.

All fails should be covered. but while I provide factual reasons that would explain the resons for the downward spiral of ERUC stock your counter points are completely, 100% baseless and 100% unsupported by any factual documentation whatsoever.

Something I like to call chasing ghosts. Or one could say planting a seed of doubt, making excuses, laying blame elsewhere or simply distracting from the real reasons.

The downward pressure is actually driven by one reason. That reason is ERUC's inability to effectively manage and control costs, create profitable revenues and manage the share structure.

That is what would attract shorts, toxic funders and seedy characters that you seem to think are working in the shadows here. Shorts and naked shorts don't go after good companies do they?

So even if there are shorts, naked shorts, toxic funders, crooked brokers, criminal hedge funds and paid bashers running this down they would only be doing so because ERUC has shown themselves to be unable to run this company in a manner that would point to any kind of sustainable growth.

So that one single financial failure over the long haul would be what would attract the seedy and criminal element to this stock would it not?

So, how can you not blame ERUC for this situation when they could have avoided it by running the company better and showing real potential and real financial improvements over the past two years?

Afterall, what would you say attracts the criminal element you seem to think are operating here? It certainly isn't success. That would be the one thing that keeps the criminal element away as growing companies that are managed well are not targets of criminal shorts. That is reserved for companies destined to fail under financial hardships that the company can't overcome.

Why post such silliness about shorts, naked shorts and such when there is so much information contained in ERUC financials that show exactly why the pps has fallen and can't get up?

Is it simply because you can't get yourself to criticize them for poor management and a weak financial condition that has resulted in multiple lawsuits and major dilution?

Can you at least say that much?

And to say me being here is somehow dringing the price down is laughable. I predict the price will decline and you will see .0001 trades. I believe it was you who brought up the fact that it wasn;t there the other day. Well I saw a .0002 which is a whole lot cxloser to .0001 than it is to .0012 when you showed up here.

I'd say, once again, that my predictions and my DD seem to be superior to anybody coming here claiming this stock is going to move up and stay up.