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08/03/08 3:03 AM

#15595 RE: JCh1021 #15594

Amen Jch1021. Thanks for that post. Like you I am not a regular poster, but have maintained the faith that you have. There is a lot of "garbage" on here that gets very old.

That sort of life style confuses me. In a way, I see it as a drug for certain people. It didn't work their way at ONE point, so they want to take every one down.

Tnog is doing it the right way as I see it, and those bashers need to get a life. Their are so many positive things in the world, but they thrive on talking ill on a company that is trying to make it, just like a local hardware store that is trying to provide a service and make a buck along the way.

For those that do bash...don't you believe that all have heard what you have been saying for years? But still remain undeitered!! You need to back up and give Brandon and co. their chance to prove themselves. Finally some good souls have fallen in to the company imo.

I am just a youngster in my 20's who is hoping to pay off some student loans with this investment. The real world is hard enough for some chumps to fictionally tell you your investment is as good as a cheeseburger as a certain mc restaurant.

I'm tired of reading it. If as much time went in to making the world a better place as what goes in to regurgitating old info on here, I believe great strides could have been accomplished.

I have to say though, in my own defense, a lot of this post gets credit to a good number of Bud Ice's. If you haven't had it before, it is a very good beer. 5.5% does a body good, lol.

But I degress, I stand with many of you who believe in this company, but for those who choose to not...find another hobby. It is quite sickening that some people get a rise out of trying to "protect" potential investors. Seriously...that's what you are trying to do??? Most of us see right through it. Get a f'ing life.

In my own opinion, give the company the time they need in August to maintain and repair pumps and wells in PA and come September after all according PR's have been released about successes, the share price will speak for itself. Cha-ching!

For those people that agree with me, take a few minutes and light up this board with a "hell yeah mo fo!!" just show the scum that their work for the past years was a total waste and that they are better off just to check them self in to the ward.

I hope this post did not violate any terms of "whatever" so I apoligize if so.

I'm going to go get my self another Bud Ice. PEACE AND OIL!


08/03/08 12:43 PM

#15602 RE: JCh1021 #15594

You hit the nail on the head, thanks for a very insightful and well written post, I have also been in since 05, and I think TNOG is finally turning the corner here. Better days to come!




08/04/08 10:05 AM

#15616 RE: JCh1021 #15594

excellent post sir..


08/04/08 10:26 AM

#15618 RE: JCh1021 #15594

If it means anything:-)

I agree the most of your post regarding the old TNOG and new TNOG. I have watched TNOG for years and feel the same as you.

I like Brandon approach to investors. But still a minor discrepancy regarding the last events. Something about the deferred tax and the timing of mentioning the preferred shares.

I recall that Brandon told this would not come up until in the stockholder meeting. But of course it could be I am still thinking I am this allend trader who knows everything but know nothing....Or I am just misunderstanding the situation.