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08/01/08 8:54 AM

#29547 RE: ib12u #29539

friday's starting soon :-)
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08/01/08 8:59 AM

#29554 RE: ib12u #29539

Exactly, do you own due diligence and dont ignore what you find just because you are in the stock already.
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08/01/08 9:10 AM

#29562 RE: ib12u #29539

just one question, have you talked to the TA yourself, personally to validate figures...
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08/01/08 9:13 AM

#29564 RE: ib12u #29539

Nice commentary ib12u. Very well said! Member Mark for you!!
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08/01/08 9:21 AM

#29578 RE: ib12u #29539

Well stated
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08/06/08 8:51 AM

#34089 RE: ib12u #29539

<font color=green>FFGO<font color=brown> Bashings Debunked!.


FFGO is “Clearly” standing on solid ground and are somewhat immune to the detriments of bashings..

There are some line items I'd like to address regarding the Flash of Basher's Bashing FFGO.

Admittingly, I too was once a basher, but I’ve since been reformed from being ill-informed…. >8^}….. and ill-trained..

I realize that my problem(s) with my investment choices was due to the lack of investment knowledge.

I’ve jumped into the investment arena with the wrong attitude.
–And you might say, I paid for that.

Seems like when a stock dips, certain investors go into hell rage and bash the stock.
Then when that stock rise, the same investor smiles with heavenly thoughts of that stock.
Interestingly, this happens all within the same day and in some cases, within minutes of its self. –LOL!
(Notice how all the bashings went into remission when FFGO hit .0009 this week)

Flippers took profits and sent the PPS temporally to .0004 and here comes the bashers. (Probably by those who got in @ .0005 - .0009 –LOL)

If this stock was trading at .05 it will still be bashed as a scam or whatever by those who likely purchased it at .09 - .11, while those who purchased at .0001 - .001 are busy building their 2nd home and thus creating 100’s of contracting jobs from profits they later took at .05 -LOL!.

Now, back on that point I wanted to make,

First off, With the 10's of 1000's of lawyers and other educated professionals that are also watching this stock, it amazes me to observe Bashers and the likes, who’d come in here as if they're the only ones on planet earth and beyond who have the scoop on this stock, among many others.

To make claim(s) of this stock being some kind of a scam, or for that matter, FFGO at this point in the game, is/are very big claims. IMO.

Whereas, such claims comes with many attachments and/or tentacles, which includes all the staff working with and for FFGO, all the associated or affiliate companies which FFGO claims involvements thereof, along with all THOSE staff members and THEIR affiliates, lawyers and more.
And to think that all these affiliates are blindly making deals with FFGO without their own legal entities performing independent studies of FFGO for validations before, during and after their involvements is not only insulting to their professions but to them personally as trained professionals, yet alone the institutions and accredited them for their practices.
I mean, the list is quite huge and includes a vast number of people.

When I observe how bashers and the likes, single out FFGO as their target, I cant help also observing a sever case of tunnel vision.

They’re also forgetting that FFGO is under NEW management and has demonstrated being on a road of progress ever since. This is self evident by their frequent and current SEC filings along with keeping shareholders updated.

For a pinksheet, (Typically speaking) this good follow-through of FFGO in and of its self, speaks volumes.

And regarding the bashing of FFGO’s SEC filings;

For FFGO to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and as often as they’ve recently done so, would actually be suicide if they were truly a scam at this point in the game. –Would they not?

Mounting complaints, to say the least, would likely raise the right market flag to shut them down. Yet even more so after getting their name known, in growing numbers, throughout the market as noted by a volume that went into the billions.
That’s a hell of a lot of eye-balling and investor interests for an stock that has been alleged as a scam… Ya- Figure?

Since FFGO filed with the SEC, they would “literally” placed themselves within the SEC's Line of sight. –would they not?
Therefore, to claim that the SEC filings of FFGO are bogus, is intellectually insulting.

I find it highly unlikely for FFGO to fake their filings with the SEC, yet alone make false claims on the filings made. Would this not be comparable to a federal crime?
Surly by NOW they’d be long since exposed and shut down. –Would they not?

To do such a thing is equivalent to attacking a heavily armed roughneck with a wet paper bag. – you’re just asking for trouble, why would they knowingly and openly place them selves in a position to be tried and convicted by their own actions, in front of a “WORLD” of witnesses?

Anyone with ½ a wit can at least see (even remotely) that FFGO has Merit and legitimacy in its claims and practices. And this is discerned by using the most basic element is human existence …..-“Common sense”

Even when observing the other hand, it’s yet still very contradictory for Bashers Bash FFGO in spite of all their “Current” SEC filing which, ironically, even the bashers made references to the existence thereof, even while bashing about how the filings wont likely occur and if so, wont likely be accurate –LOL!

Of course when bashers say this, they’re also implying that the SEC is not only operating illegally, but are some kind of mindless entity that arbitrarily validates anything in print without ever taking their eyes off the ceiling. –AND if that was the case, then the SEC wouldn’t exist, Yet alone their superiors for allowing them to operate under such practices.

YET there they are! Fully functional and known Market-Wide by millions over.

And to think that all these powerful forces, in favor of FFGO, are all to be expunged by a One-Liner comment from some basher who happens to passing through or from some disgruntled investor who failed their “DD” and now looking for something to blame.

Remember, DO YOU’RE OWN “DD”!

And By The Way, (BTW), the use of the acronym, “DD”, in the above comment does NOT mean Do your own “Dumb Down”, it mean Do your own “Due Diligence”


All that was stated was my own opinion and should be taken lightly, if ever at all.