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07/30/08 4:38 PM

#136172 RE: Hawk700 #136171


Right on the money.
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07/30/08 4:50 PM

#136175 RE: Hawk700 #136171

Good post, Hawk.

Everyone should chill

Peace on,

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07/30/08 4:57 PM

#136177 RE: Hawk700 #136171

Good post Hawk. I don't have to like it but you are right. It does crack me up though that just a couple of days ago, ERHC was in "exciting times". But now some are ready for a lynching. LOL.

I/We cannot stand where we sit, but what are you gonna do?

Wait it out. Nothing more.

I know it is not universally enjoyed, but I am grateful that there are many less dots to connect. Especially when not one dot connection has created any type of scenario that actually came to pass.

What will be will be, with or without dots.

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07/30/08 5:11 PM

#136179 RE: Hawk700 #136171

I agree Hawk. If you can't take it, sell and move your money somewhere else. If you can't hold out another few dozen fortnights, then this stock isn't for you. This stock will appreciate when we prove oil. Good luck to those who can be patient.
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07/30/08 5:33 PM

#136182 RE: Hawk700 #136171

When I placed my *bet* I did so with the understanding that management would work to increase the share price.

Letting the Government push them (us) around with this investigation is pure bullsheet. The investigations aren't gone because the company or its lawyers don't want them gone.

How will you feel 3 years from now with a billion barrels proven and a share price of 40 cents? Don't think it can happen? Don't rule it out. Every entity that wants a piece of this is watching this company let its shareholders rot at the hands of the DOJ and doing nothing to put an end to it. How many "uncertainty items" are in the queue to be thrown at ERHC (us) until the company gives up and sells out? The good news is China will outbid any lowball so we'll get our due... but how many years will management try to get the shares up before they give up? Three? Five? More?

They've displayed an indifference to being slapped around. In this case complacency is only going to get them slapped again.

I understand what your saying... I placed this bet and I am ultimately responsible for any loss... but this management is not doing what it can to get the monkey off its (our) back. They haven't so much as released a PR that these investigations are without merit. No proclamation of innocence whatsoever.

Are they simply not trying to get past the investigations? Or are they simply naive and letting the law firm milk them for all it can get? Why doesn't RedChip promote ERHC when it promotes many other companies?

*If* they execute and we see results from these latest activities, I'll eat all the crow you want me to. Since the first conference the share price has halved. Those in the market that are in the know seem to *know* that recent efforts either aren't working or were never intended to work.
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07/30/08 5:39 PM

#136183 RE: Hawk700 #136171

Hawk, Excellent post. As I once posted this message board can get to be like Fantasy Football except people are playing Fantasy ERHC. They all want to be the managers, except that they are not.

It's fine to be interested and current on ERHC, but we have to assume that given all the challenges the execs at ERHC are doing their best.

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Opus X

07/30/08 5:50 PM

#136186 RE: Hawk700 #136171

Hawk, post of the year.

Opus X
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07/30/08 6:03 PM

#136187 RE: Hawk700 #136171


Thank you H700.

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07/30/08 7:33 PM

#136192 RE: Hawk700 #136171

Hawk. You're right that shareholders need to take responsibiltiy for their investment decisions and maybe "suck it up" is correct. However, I'd observe that many of today's complaints were directly related to the Co. Presidnets press today. It contained nothing new! NOTHING. On that basis, a little venting is ok in my book.

IMO, ERHE got caught up with the prospect of those two drilling rigs that Addax lost to Petrobraz. Expecting good news from Addax, ERHE mgt. mounted the PR road show schedule to bring awareness to the stock, drawing attention the our "Deep Opportuntiy", then wham, no rigs, no new investors, no news, and downward drift of the shareprice.

So here we are, two weeks ahead of a conference call and we get this nice letter to shareholders with no new news - just the same messages repeated - so what do you expect? Certainly not a big "thanks" to management. I wonder why mgt determined it valuable to send out fluff just two weeks before the scheduled conference call? I fail to understand it's value. So, IMO, I think a day of complaining is ok.

Yep, I'm waiting for a rig of opportunity, waiting for the Aban Abraham to leave China, waiting for an acquisitioin, waiting for the DOJ investigation to formally end, waiting for new seats on the Board of Directors and waiting for some postive movement UPWARD in the shareprice. I'm just tired of waiting... but I WILL WAIT a few dozen fortnights or more.

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07/30/08 10:13 PM

#136204 RE: Hawk700 #136171

Hawk, your post about "gambling" on this stock rings very true. Everyone here MUST accept that buying a bulletin board stock somewhat based in Nigeria is a gamble. A BIG GAMBLE.

The fact that this game has gone in quadruple overtime and the home team (ERHC) can not score is very disappointing if not frustrating. However, the GAME IS NOT OVER. It is still in overtime and although our score (share price) is low and we need a ninth inning rally, we have a lot of Yankee fans to root us on. Look what the Celtics did from last year to this year, the biggest and best turn around EVER. EHRC can do that and much more. Maybe a 10 or 20 bagger easy from this price level and it is very likely to occur in less than one year. Remember When I am 64? on April 22, 2009 the RIG WILL BE AT JDZ Zone 4 and the share price will be AT LEAST one digit (not cents, but dollar(s)).
Ps: Please do not complain about the mixed sports metaphors, I know sports terms, just felt what I was saying was appropriate. Hooray for the home team!! And thank you Celtics for increasing my bankroll and to the NY Giants for beating the Patriots showing that on any day any team can win no matter what the odds.