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07/30/08 11:36 AM

#19211 RE: enemem #19210

Perhaps unconsciously, your reference to "mysery" nicely combines the 'misery' and 'mystery' which beshroud the data analysis and its anxious anticipation.

But while waiting to see if the next stirring will be from zephyr or squall, one thought--it doesn't matter when over the next few days RD-2 reports, and when over the next few weeks RD-1 reports. It is what they report that matters, not when that occurs. The timing will make no difference for partnering, or for fundraising, because at most we are talking weeks for RD-1, not months. Even the Europeans--and I say this with some envy of their healthier embrace of time off--have to come back from vacation eventually.

Regarding JerryDylan's comment about Elan/Wyeth's bapineuzumab and the prospects for high impact Ampakines--that's an excellent point. Had Bap's data been strong, it would have heightened the energies going into anti-amyloid strategies, but the questions cropping up about that data have implications for the primacy of the amyloid model in Alzheimer's treatment. That can only be good for non-amyloid alternative approaches to Alzheimer's, of which high-impact Ampakines are one of many.

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07/30/08 1:38 PM

#19224 RE: enemem #19210

Enemem O.T.

Nice lines - maybe we need a poetry for frustrated biotech investors board? Just this weekend I finally learned what 'iambic pentameter' is!

My brother sent me a book on how to write poetry - by Stephen Fry of all people (plays Jeeves on Wooster and Jeeves). Also introduced me to my new favorite word: 'opsimath'.

Opsimath: noun, one who learns late in life.

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07/30/08 10:21 PM

#19244 RE: enemem #19210

OT-Good stuff enemem. I don't read poetry because I wouldn't know where to start (same as everything else I find interesting), but I got that. Stillness can be just like death.

The stillness seems to provoke us to reflect, rationalize and delude ourselves (MF4) with many depths of thought and theories. We seem to seek excitement, good or bad, as if to validate that we are alive. This doesn't apply to everyone, but I think many biotech investors anyway.

I also enjoyed Food's post yesterday-it seemed to flow, albeit with the help of Canadian whiskey:) I know you didn't ask my opinion Food, and although I agree that, overall, Stoll has been a big disappointed (to date, based on the performance of Cor), it was your choice to invest a large sum. For that, you have yourself to blame.

It is crazy to think that we biotech investors, which come to expect losses (paper or real) by the very nature of their risk, are voicing our dissatisfaction, at a time when the long and steady, conservative, dividend receiving "safe" investors, are getting their asses handed to them via the financial meltdown. I'm glad I got out of the investment industry (Wachovia) back in 2002 when I came to that crossroad. It is scary to think that so many well-connected, influential, successful people can screw up so bad. Capitalism is good, corruption is bad. How did the line become so blurred? How did this perfect storm occur? Was it the repealing of the Glass Steagall Act? Did Clinton set us up for this 9 years ago?

My point, partially, is that we complain about losing money on an inherently risky investment, yet those fooled into thinking their investments were "low risk," are looking up to see if the sky is falling. That must be disorienting to say the least. I hope they can handle the "excitement." Tell them "At least your alive," and their probably thinking "I wish I was Dead." Sorry, I don't know why I bring "death" into so many of my posts it seems....

My Dad is one of those safe, dividend receiving long term investors. He is pissed at the market right now. But he was "unsuspecting" with his investments, and therefore naive. I tease him about it a little bit (even though he has done extremely well over the long haul), but he comes right back and throws Cortex in my face. Sucks for me on both sides, because of his depleted assets, i.e. my inheritance, and my own Cor and Cor-like investments.

But I say who cares, try to have fun. It is all about balance, which is not easy these days, considering this "koyaanisqatsi" we live in. I think it is true Jerry-the more (truth) you know, or conspiracies you ascribe to, the less you can enjoy life.

BTW-Zebra, where do I buy this "opsimath", or is it a class I can take? Do I even want this? :)