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Elmer Phud

07/29/08 7:51 PM

#65654 RE: Maui #65653

why dont you demand much higher returns from a dominant market player with much superior technology.

How do you propose that be done? Should we gather outside the headquarters with torches and pitchforks?
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07/29/08 7:57 PM

#65656 RE: Maui #65653

Business is Business. As a stockholder, why dont you demand much higher returns from a dominant market player with much superior technology. Oh right, you are happy with your INTC returns!

I'm not happy with the market as a whole, but I am happy that Intel is handily outperforming the market... I wish my overall portfolio was doing as well as INTC over the past 2 years...

... you see, unlike so many of the fanboys who like to play boo-bird on this board, I actually have a fair amount of money in the market...


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin