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07/25/08 12:46 PM

#704 RE: igotthemojo #702

I believe we will get the private investor
news first..Although..I don't really care which order they arrive..Dean and Jacobo were in Mexico City yesterday to see what Telmex's counter to their proposal in licensing was..I believe they wanted to get it all completed this week..If they agreed on a figure yesterday or today..Contract signings would be next up..When Onev can pr the event during this process is unknown..As far as MTNL..I do think that Dean said that they would offer the free trial right after the external tests are complete..I know he said they would pr that item of news when it happened and that MTNL's website would offer info about it then also..I am hoping that all of the news items that are coming..hit one right after the other...veno