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07/24/08 8:23 PM

#91063 RE: joenatural #91062

Q&A time

Chad, you're in IHUB's jail till 2011 ?

Yeah, I stole Matt's fishing pole and pulled Churak's kangaroo tail.

With the way you're pushing investors to buy stocks (EXPH via your PR firm) by telling everyone the companies you represent aren't selling stock when in fact they're all dumping like there's no tomorrow, you're setting yourself up to be sued by everyone and their dog once they've all had their azzez handed to them.

I don't hold a gun to anyones head to buy stock. As for diluting CEO's, I don't run the printer. Blaming me for what a company does would be like blaming the White House Press Secretary for lying about WMD or the current economy. I'm just a mouth piece dude. As for suing me, read my disclaimer.

Hey, tell me, name one company you've promoted that's ever amounted to anything besides fraud ?

None of them have been frauds, but I would say a few were victims of dirty shell brokers, poor financial planning, loan shark type financing, inexperienced management and the weakest OTC market in a decade.

That's what I thought. Cat got your tongue ?

No, Noodles and Drexler are not to fond of my tongue.

Maybe SLJB ?

I think you got the wrong Chad, I have never had anything to do with SLJB. I knew it was a scam when I couldn't find any government contracts on the fedbizz ops site. I actually am a professional investor so I know how to research things.


I do not make decisions for management, you need to direct your anger towards management. I'm just the guy that gets paid to deal with folks like you so the CEO doesn't.

LOL. Shall I go on ?

I'm sure you will

Gotta love the gagged T/A policy your bosses at EXPH initiated.

I think you know exactly why that took place :)

They still have a few folks fooled, but people are catching on to what's really happening. It's obvious there are 1 billion A/S for a reason.

Yes there is a reason, because the company must maintain a certain percentage of treasury shares over the amount of convertible voting preferred as stated by the terms of the preferred. Unless management is ready to cash out, I don't think those preferred are really an issue.

Can't wait till they raise it to 2 billion or even 5 billion.

You'll be waiting for quite awhile I think. Last time I checked the company reduced the O/S from 580M to 350M. Funny, everyone screaming dilution and the company actually reduced the O/S in half.

EXPH is nothing but a SWVC "wanna be" and they're both heading in the same direction, straight down the toilet.

If that is what your due diligence is telling you then simply don't invest. Looking at the chart I'd actually say the stock is in an uptrend and the accum/dist is through the roof, but what do I know. Are you sure this just isn't some hard on fantasy you have for me? Comon Joe, you can tell me.. open up your heart, tell me how you really feel.

If the company had good intentions for shareholders, they would ungag the T/A and tell everyone what their real plan is and how they're going to get to where they claim they're going.

Maybe they will, but what do you care you already think the company is a scam.

That means not hiding financial information about what they're paying for acquisitions and exactly how they're going to pay for it.

Well, since the acquisition hasn't been consummated, it would be kinda hard to provide that information.

Since they're refusing to do so, it's obvious the company's intentions are no different than any other pink sheet scam.

I answered that in the question above.

I had a good laugh when the company PR'd they gagged the T/A because someone was trying to impersonate management to the T/A in trying to obtain the real share count.

I'm sure you did.

I'll bet the O/S count is well over 700 million right now, no matter what imaginary figures you or the company give to stuckholders.

Well, you know what they say about assumptions and opinions right?

Nice to see your first post in 3 1/2 months.

Well we can keep each other company now, won't that be a hoot!

How does a guy like you sleep at night ?

I normally drink a glass of wine and watch CNN or CSPAN on my huge 52' Sony Bravia LCD until I get sleepy. Then I go lay down in my comfy big bed. I do have to use a white noise box though or I have trouble sleeping.

Unbelievable how people in this country choose to make a living.

Well, I do work from home so I don't have to worry about high gas prices.

Pretty much par for the course on IHUB.

Whats wrong Joe? Get burned by a few promoters on Ihub? Maybe you should work on your due diligence skills because your skills at accepting personal responsibility are lacking.

How many guys have you paid to pump EXPH ?

I paid Stock Velocity, LLC $1,000 to assist in market awareness back in February/March. I follow all SEC rules and anyone doing work for me must also.

As many as you paid to pump other stocks you were once touting before everyone lost their money ?

I think that falls back on individual investor responsibility. They must be responsible for conducting their own due diligence and cutting losses or taking profits when appropriate. If you buy a bottle of de-greaser and it sucks, do you blame the product, or the guy who made the label?

Have your bosses ungag the T/A and explain exactly what's taking place and maybe folks like myself will look at EXPH differently. I doubt it, but there's always a chance.

Yes, there is always a chance. Maybe you should take some time to actually research the company instead of basing your opinion on a grudge you have with me personally.

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