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07/24/08 11:42 AM

#5725 RE: New Age Investments #5722

Are you prepared for what is about to unfold?

* Russian and Saudi Arabian oil production have peaked –
leaving the world with no way to meet our rapidly growing
demand for energy -

trust me man when I called jack he told me aug 14.
for numbers so this is a bonus. Only up from here!!!

When I read "The Coming Economic Collapse...How You Can Thrive When Oil Costs $200 a Barrel" -

Ive notice that to! UPDV - They own both these companies "HYPEHUNTER" I think UPDV is a SERIOUSLY STRONG BUY!!
Iam buying shares on margin right lol!!

Let's face it. Whether another war breaks out in
the Middle East or not -

oil prices will shoot to the moon over the next few years -

Inflation will soar -

YESSSSSS! ..and UPDV owns CNFU + Aztec Wells Services, as well!!!
UPDV should be much higher! - well said -

another trillion Q. -
If oil supplies are so tight already that OPEC -
cannot do without Iran -
(which contributes less than 5% of the world's oil) -

how will the world meet fast rising demand -
from the developing world over the next few years? -

And with supplies so tight -
why cut back on development ... unless you already know -
you've reached a permanent peak -
and can't raise output -
no matter how hard you try? -

The head of OPEC, Abdalla Salem el-Badri, said it all last week.

On the one hand, he admitted that OPEC could not make up
for the loss of Iranian oil, in the event it goes offline.

On the other hand, he said that OPEC might halt investment
in new oil production capacity.

UPDV has what it takes -

UPDV the Q. Will Israel attack Iran? Or is the U.S. secretly
planning to make peace with this rogue nation?

Either way, what will these events do to oil prices?

That's the trillion-dollar question these days.

But buried in a recent New York Times article on the subject
is the deeper truth that shows that –

no matter what action Israel, the U.S., or Iran takes –

or even if diplomacy triumphs –

oil prices will skyrocket regardless -

UPDV start LT mirror reflexion -

its a long hike back UP :-)