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07/25/08 2:31 PM

#796 RE: Art2Gecko #776

Thanks for the link Art very helpful

The speed with which those larger tires were consumed is impressive. I'm thinking decidedly unhealthy should a guy fall in the hopper yikes.

In one video about ten seconds in length thought I saw about 4-5 tires go through those rollers. Looked to me to be the pre shredder. It's not very reliable but trying to get a ballpark on the throughput from the video let's be conservative and say 1 tire every 4 seconds=15 tires per minute=900 tires per hour.

I don't know if Magog plans to run 1,2, or 3 shifts but for argument sake say they just do 1 shift to get going. One 8 hr shift would mean 7200 tires. Magog has two machines I'm told so that is 14,400 tires per day on one shift alone.

Keep in mind this is DEFINITELY ballpark and through the pre-shredder only but at least we can guesstimate a general idea how many tires Magog should be "munching" through on an average day.

Say the plant is open 300 days per year for round figures and yes I'm intentionally conservative here 300 X 14400= hang on dig out my trusty TI calculator lol... 4,320,000 tires per year. Keeping in mind I was purposely conservative. Interesting what a little old link can uncover huh?

Thanks for the link very useful Art. :-)