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07/21/08 12:46 AM

#17247 RE: Rawnoc #17246

It is great to have the periodic post from someone who saw first hand or learned second hand about the number of people in one of the restaurants at a point in time. Please keep them coming.

What would be better is for someone to chronicle them. What would be even better is to have a schedule set up to track this every afternoon and every evening. This would allow us to make comparisons and observations that actually matter regarding the attendance level on any given time.

I do not live in California, so I admit to suggesting something that I can be of no help in delivering. However, I would be an avid supporter of anyone who cares to organize such an effort to track traffic levels in one (or soon all three) locations.

Back to the story at hand....

Let us all remember that we are in a stock whose payoff should be massive, but only after a few years of progress and success. Some posters here are well aware of this and those are the posts I find most interesting (good and bad). Make no mistake, we have a winner idea/concept/technology in uWink. The challenge is finding out how well this can/will be monetized.

We need to see management drawing attention to the stock. We get many examples of Nolan promoting the concept in many well viewed circles, which is great. However, his comments are not aimed at driving attention to the stock and by-n-large are not driving attention to the stock at all. Since the company is ceasing development of more owned-locations with Mountain View, we are about to enter a phase where the company can not only preach about the value of the platform, but also about the stock. I wish we were there today, but I have to admit the company likely cant do much with a "we got plenty of cash, a great great great idea, and a small sample set of data to support our idea/business." As little as six months will change this scenario. A year from now we will be at a point where three locations have been open for a full year plus some action and data from franchisees.

We are approaching the reporting of June quarter results. They wont be that meaningful (positive or negative), but once posted should lift the ban on management buying stock due to the quiet period. I will be looking for management to be buyers of the stock 2 days after earnings since a mere $100k from Nolan and/or others in management could seriously alter (to the positive) the direction of this stock. Since the company sold stock at $2/share it would be nice to see them interested in buying some back at sub-$1 prices.


07/21/08 12:05 PM

#17249 RE: Rawnoc #17246


the big guy

07/21/08 12:21 PM

#17250 RE: Rawnoc #17246

I am not a wimp. I prefer direct injection via the nostrils. You seem to have a fascination with this. If you like, simply get some of that winddshield washer fluid tubing, you know the clear plastic stuff? A medical syringe... you know what to do.

I found a sensation that lasted for days, right at the back of my nose where the smell buds or whatever are. I can't taste wine now (you know the part where you put your nose in the glass and take a big draw), because there are no faint hints of blueberries or oak, etc, only a constant faint hint of petrol.

There was a bit of a buzz too, if I remember correctly. Certainly a departure from reality for those who really need it.