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07/15/08 8:32 PM

#34 RE: Churak #33

Done editing: #msg-14666 is about the oldest I can get to come up

#msg-15000 < Dead
#msg-14500 < Dead
#msg-14000 < PM?
#msg-14001 < Dead
#msg-14002 < PM?
#msg-14003 < Dead
#msg-14004 < Dead
#msg-14005 < PM? See a pattern here? Old PMs live, old public msg are dead

#msg-13500 < Dead
#msg-13000 < Dead
#msg-12500 < Dead

PT Barnum ran a circus, too. But he didn't let the clowns run the show.
He surely didn't let the clowns tame the lions.
On second thought, that would have been a more interesting circus.