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03/18/02 4:24 PM

#1867 RE: Conrad #1863

Hi Conrad and All, Heard this one on St. Patty's Day.....

An Irish parishioner took a problem to his priest for advice.

"Father, someone has stolen me bicycle. I have inquired about the town but t'ers no sign of it and me friends all say t'ey've not seen it about."

The priest t'inks for a moment and then says, "I t'ink I can help. On Sunday my sermon will contain bits from the Ten Commandments. When I get to the part about "Tho Shalt Not Steal" I'm sure I'll be able to stir the t'ief into confessing his sin."

"Well, t'ank ye Father. T'at will be most helpful." said the parishioner and off he went until Sunday.

As promised, the priest gave a very stern sermon relating to the Ten Commandments. Extra emphasis was placed on not stealing from others. After the service was over, the parishioner came up to the priest.
"Father, I want to t'ank ye for that sermon."

"Did the thief come up and promise to bring back you bicycle?" asked the priest.

"Ah, no. But I remembered where me bicycle was when you got to the part about

"Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery!"