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07/13/08 10:49 PM

#26871 RE: quixopixs #26870

ok, there are two sides to every story, true enough, there are many perspectives of the truth. The fact remains that John BB refuses to come forward and offer the transparency that he so desperately wants to give. Why doesnt he, himself give an interview and a video tour of the plant operating (I mean the actual inside of the plant)? that would dispell all of the doubts here and be a great PR piece besides. When someone is afraid to show the truth, it usually means they have something to hide. Given that he refuses (by keeping quiet) to do so.
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07/13/08 11:00 PM

#26872 RE: quixopixs #26870

LOL LOL LOL ... Time 10 months ago, Eddie was an employee and had PRGL continue to pay him would still be and employee. Your correct it says allot for the company to have this underskilled Low life guy from Alabama put together the logistics and transport an entire Bio-Plant to Opp from Colorado! Yup seems Management was really thinking there! Good thing the peanut farmer was around to build the plant! LOL LOL LOL! John is just so very funny! AIMNSHO! ARAEL
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07/13/08 11:52 PM

#26873 RE: quixopixs #26870

Quix, you have sold me. I won in the lotto last Saturday and want to put it all into Perihelion. Where do I send the money to get stock. Send me an address so I can send the money to you to get stock. God, I love it. It must be an omen, Quixopixs and I hit the lotto on Saturday. I am in the money, I am in the money.
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07/14/08 9:41 AM

#26887 RE: quixopixs #26870

You are right on one point and only one. There IS a positive in that the plant is capable of production WITH MODIFICATION AND MONEY. It IS feasible to get it up and running … is currently NOT running or producing anything….. one only has to drive by and LOOK. There is no production,there can be no production with no employees, there have been no setbacks or recalibrations since there was never a startup, and Bio Bob’s stained shirt at least indicates that at least he knows how to work and produce something which is more than Perihelion has done. A little sweat can go along way, but I guess you don’t sweat much when you’re busy counting your swindled stash.
Are you a reporter Quix? You state that ” reporters are trained on how to twist things,” and you’ve sure done that with your warped anal-ysis of the video. Bio Bob was “impressed” not with the plant abilities, but with the fact that he produced an acceptable biodiesel product from chicken fat. If you paid attention and understood the process, you would have understood also that the orange juice looking product shown in the video was in the beginning stages of production and that was clearly stated on the video. You must have excelled at Twister. This WAS a positive video prior to your anal-ysis…..

Time 7:20 second
Bio Bob says he is very for the plant, was invited down there and made biodiesel.

Time 7:45 second
Eddie says bottom line the plant is capable of producing biodiesel.
The above statements are not twisted, but express a positive outlook notwithstanding the dubious future of Perihelion.
Again, Beebe actually created Bio Bob, and all the otherslike him who have watched their hopes, dollars and good intent twisted, and discarded to fill the pockets of the Beebe.

I truly am impressed……Aristotle said,”We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” We all know what the Beebe has excelled in, and made a habit of.