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07/12/08 12:39 AM

#23524 RE: Max Power #23522

Excellent synopsis of the week, Tex! Nice work. Appreciate what you are doing for us. Would you be so kind as to also post your preliminary results of the fiscal impact these developments represent? I believe you did quite a bit of figuring there as well earlier this week. Mind blowing stuff!

I'd love to have the opinions of some of our numbers crunchers as well, like Sterling if he's available to factor in this data to the bottom line.

Congrats to all who have the wisdom and fortitude to ride this one up and up and up.....


07/12/08 9:37 AM

#23525 RE: Max Power #23522

Tex, well put! Everything you stated (and then some) is why I bought into this stock in October and have been accumulating ever since. I can't see any reason why we won't be generously rewarded in the future. Can't wait until the day when this is trading at what it should be trading at... and then its bye-bye student loans (and hopefully the mortgage as well).
Have a good weekend fellas!


07/12/08 9:54 AM

#23526 RE: Max Power #23522

looks pretty good - ,,


07/12/08 6:53 PM

#23538 RE: Max Power #23522

hi TR, hmmm 11 point review. all done by new ir?


with srsr i can't even express how excited i am for the future. merle joining the team is just another great indication that scott is doing the right thing.

Let me quickly go over a few of the highlights from that TREMENDOUS PRESS RELEASE THIS WEEK, yes it was wonderful! if you didn't think so you didn't read it very carefully or you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer!

1. They MORE THAN DOUBLED the size of their Nemogosenda mining claim!!

2. Scott was able to secure 0% financing and its not even due til 2010!

3. Roads are open.

4. Chapleau office has been opened

5. They have secured a facility for drill core samples

6. Holes are marked and ready to be drilled

7. They have recieved bids for the drilling.

8. They are continuing to the analysis of zone e

9. Zone E is reported to have niobium in similar levels to zone d

10. All but two REE's have been discovered in zone E

11. They gave us inital lab results of REE's found in zone e, showing very high levels of REE's with a high economic value.

btw, did you know that 94% of all geologist never find a economically viable ore deposit? BOTH Hawke and Cheriton have, Cheriton having found mulitiples.