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07/12/08 12:15 AM

#17164 RE: the big guy #17160

Welcome to liberal news run America. Soon to be Amerika (with two swords crossing over the flags).

You sir, at least are not drinking the kool aide that the economy is bad.

Sorry people made poor decisions about their house loans, but I for one am sick of paying my taxes to bail people out.

I too was in IT and became ill. I couldn't work and couldn't find a job when I was able. I couldn't get any help because I made too much money and didn't have a buncha illegitimate kids, so I was denied help for paying some bills and was almost homeless and getting sicker.

Needless to say, it's a pretty sad state when those that don't give two craps and don't try, can get all the help they want in government payouts, while those that pay 97% of the federal tax for years can't get help when they need it.

I'll go ahead and step off my soapbox now but will leave you with a few words. The economy is not bad. Stop drinking the kool aide and listening to the biggest do nothing liars on this planet. If you want to see bad, look into what things were like during the 80's compared to today. They really were not THAT bad back then compared to the great market crashes etc etc. The reason for the 80's economy was because we listened to idiots believing that we can just hold out our hands and fruit will be placed into it.

Everyone knows that isn't going to happen for too long until the bushel is empty eh?