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07/10/08 10:07 AM

#340740 RE: ieddyi #340738

It's almost pointless to talk to you, but hope springs eternal. The Big Capitalists, not the ones like you and me........the oil barons and international banksters, hate true Democracy. In the name of America and "freedom", they have overthrown freely elected government after government "over there". Prove me wrong! That movie will soon be coming to a theatre near you.


07/10/08 11:38 AM

#340756 RE: ieddyi #340738

YOU wish them best of luck in their plan to inflict maximum damage on Israel

What plan?

I guess it's OK with you that they are supporting HEzbollah in Lebanon and are helping to destabilize an elected government

You're saying this with a straight face after supporting the invasion and total destruction of Iran's neighbor?

...with the US propping up an illigitimate puppet in Baghdad?

...with the US has supported armed militant groups within Iran trying to destabilize Iran

...after the US overthrew Iran's elected government and installed a monster to rule in its place?

...with the US propping up the House of Saud? ...and Kuwait and any other despot that will make US corporations rich at our expense and that of their own people?

You can say this with a straight face while Israel continues to expand and take more land from the helpless peasants who live there.

Israel gets what it gets. They've had more than enough opportunity to explore peaceful alternatives. They don't want peace they want more land and more water and if killing is a way to get it then killing it is. It's in their written words from before day one.

I'm sick of supporting the greedy pieces of sh*t that have the nerve to claim my heritage. F*ck them.

Does that sound harsh?