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05/11/04 1:10 PM

#16986 RE: fmikehugo #16985

OT: fmike - blood pressure medicine substitute

See ... CHT, your very nice acquisition. A little green to quell the nausea and hypertension. :-)

yes, what you see is not a partisan issue, although apologists for this adminstration take any revelation or opinion of this nature as politically motivated. no doubt if you've worked with these government figures over the years you know firsthand that the arrogance you speak of has caused this administration to do things that have never been done by administrations of either party, ever. The scariest thing about it is that the deep divisions in the electorate are such that gross manipulations, when identified, are dismissed by half the population as "just politics". In fact, it is this polarization that has helped foster the arrogance. Early on, Cheney and company realized they could trot out the "just politics" dismissal of any charge against them, regardless of its merit, and it would be immediately discredited an dismissed as just that - politics.

In that environment, it's almost understandable how people develop a sense of being "bulletproof". And from the feeling of bulletproof derives the arrogance.

As for McCain, this Iraq prison scandal has suddenly shifted power dramatically toward McCain. He will now determine whether Rumsfeld goes, or if he stays, under what conditions he will operate, and to some degree how our policy in Iraq will be transformed. McCain carries with him 6 swing votes now with the arrival of Lindsey Graham to the fold. I for one, think this is a significant silver lining to the otherwise sorry and horrifying episode.
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05/11/04 2:32 PM

#16998 RE: fmikehugo #16985

Where is my blood pressure medicine?

in canada, selling at a discount.