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12/28/00 10:29 AM

#3753 RE: cabos_tacos #3751

For the first time sinceyou started posting,

you have made a worthwhile contribution to this board......Let's throw a party.

I agree it would make a huge impact in the SEVU market for Rich to buy back some shares.

It would also make a huge impact for Rich to pay for the first production run out of his own pocket. This of course could be done by either paying back the SEVU loan plus making additional loans to the company or by issuing more shares to Rich in exchange for the additional capital. In either case SEVU should get their loan paid back to them.

I personally would like Rich to Loan the company the money as to not dilute the stock, but I feel the additional capital created by the issuance of new stock would greatly help the balance sheet. As it would be an increase in shareholder equity as opposed to an increase in corporate debt. In the long run, I feel a little more dilution to get this puppy flying is a small price to pay.

NOTE: this assumes that cash within the company is a major contributing factor to the lack of current production. I'm not dure if that is the case, but if it is, the above is a plausible solution.



12/28/00 5:04 PM

#3789 RE: cabos_tacos #3751

cabos_tacos, i am worried and upset just like the rest of the people here.

Don't take that one post too far out of context, most of my other posts are optimistic about the company, but are still a little unhappy about recent events.

I want a public statement out of SEVU as much as the rest of us and I am very worried that if it doesn't happen real soon, the stock will be down for a long time.

I guess just reading that one post of the many I have written does sound a little crazy, but I believe it to be true. Rich is not the sole 100% cash supply for this company, it must survive to some extent on its own, but also be sure he will keep it going if needed.