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07/09/08 10:15 AM

#53254 RE: Rockmek #53249

Rockmek, you've stated " Spooz wasn't moving forward before this unfortunate situation so what evidence is there to suggest after this is resolved they will move forward".

By the same token how do you KNOW what Spooz was was going to do before the theft of their software. Were you working for Spooz at that time ? If you know, please furnish the readers of this forum specific information about this.

As you may or may not have noticed the pictures (with captions) of Spooz new software that were displayed in several posts yesterday. IMO this gives evidence that Spooz is taking dead aim at a market they will no doubt capture.
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07/09/08 11:37 AM

#53267 RE: Rockmek #53249


I only have a couple of posts at my disposal so I will try to efficiently addressee your apparent predisposed contrary bent. And sorry, but in order to ascertain in more detail your bent, I must first ask what evidence do you have that Spooz has not moved the ball down the field. Is your only indicator revenue based PPS?

It seems to me while apparently oblivious to you there are many indicators that Spooz has accomplished and enormous amount of behind the scenes preparation necessary for market entry. While these preliminary steps have not created revenue but instead been an expense they are the foundation for Spooz to become fully implemented and I believe Spooz will prudently take their time to implement infrastructure completely prior to opening their doors. How else would they position themselves to not only enter such a competitive arena but to lead the way?

Did you take the time to listen to John Unwin's presentation at the Chicago futures expo that was recently posted by Allicorp? and if you did listen to it what fault do you find with it. If you did not listen to it, why not?

