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07/07/08 11:24 PM

#15550 RE: joenatural #15549

That was for only one division of Baron International-- the Refrigeration dept. They have Many divisions. We will be the ones laughing all the way to the bank.
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07/07/08 11:25 PM

#15551 RE: joenatural #15549

What a huge difference a year can make.. BIHC spent "several million dollars" for Baron. I don't think they would sell it for a loss. They have received several contracts since 2007. The Takk PR proves this IMO. They began field tests in January. I am betting many contracts have been established since around April for Baron...IMO of course.

BTW, I think the selling price is going to be around $30 million. Cash divis will pay out at a total of about $12 million, leaving BIHC w/ around $18 million in cash for another aquisition...which they already have lined up in my very strong opinion.
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07/07/08 11:25 PM

#15552 RE: joenatural #15549

You kill me, the man that knows all... yet you're still here wasting your time trying to convince people that you know wtf your talking about. Reguardless of them getting bought or not doesnt matter... bought in at .003 sold alot of my shares at .04 and bought back in at .026 ive made my money and using profits for that crazy rocket to crazy prices.. With pennies you just never know. Everyone here knows what risks there are with pennies otherwise they wouldnt be here....

If this is truely a crappy stock why do you waste your time caring about what other people do with their money? your wasting your own time when you could be doing DD on other companies making even more money.. So GET OVER IT!

oh, unless your overall plan is to flip this stock.
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07/07/08 11:45 PM

#15560 RE: joenatural #15549

Let's see... the last time joey was here badmouthing the stock, it was trading at about .028 and the next day it ran up to a high of .042. The poor traders who listened to joey then, and didn't buy the stock or sold what they had at .028, lost out on a nice profit or the opportunity to make money thanks to the great advice of joey. Now he's back saying the exact same negative things he did the first time. Meanwhile joey struts proudly around as the great crusader, the one who has investors best interests at heart.

Bottom line here is : if you listen to joe natural, you always lose money.