It depends on the website, how good they are at capturing the user, etc. I'd imagine, it'd be at least 2 hits per user session (one to get to the site and one to click the 'Submit' button :)) Alright, jokes aside, given that their site doesn't offer much content, but on the other hand people might be trying to find more info on the contest they came to check out (why else would they come to that site), I'd imagine about 7-10 clicks per user session. And I base it on next to nothing :)
The interesting part would be what the conversion rate is. Normally it's within 1% of the visitors. On a single-purpose site like that one, it could be higher, although I doubt it. The company I work for has about 4% conversion rate, mostly because its product is quite appreciated by its customers and it's very good at giving them what they want. I haven't heard of much higher conversion rates.
The usuals, whatever I post is my opinion, yaddayaddayadda. I'm still learning this, so if you listen to me, well, good luck to you :)