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06/26/08 7:05 PM

#2861 RE: maxgold #2860

You want to argue global warming doom%^)
Check out the BTUs a good size volcano puts out..YIKES!! much can volcanic ash cool us? Ask Dino. Could upping by a degree or two in 100 years or stopping oil 100% save us if we get a big one? We live on a crust over a molting core.

Top thermal off with global warming fears from the sun we add on and improve our use of. How about fear from rising seas, when we could get all the power we need from tides and waves....and CO2 fears when wind is providing more and more power. This doom and gloom I admit is getting people to take necessary action faster, but I also feel it is blown way out of proportion like the right now, doom and gloom effects of high priced oil~vs~global warming.

Everybody(!!!us and them!!!) that can screw us on oil is, plenty of gas, I see no lines at the pumps. Of all the reasons oil is so bad, global warming is last in line for my worries about oil.
We need to get off of mid east oil first, have that pay to pave a new clean way.

Speed up all the things we are doing now and make a new America with the American ingenuity that can save the world.
Quit putting effort into throwing your country under the bus, pitch in and help.


07/01/08 7:16 PM

#2868 RE: maxgold #2860

>>You skipped>Our gas consumption here in the US is down. Big SUV plants are closing>

That's not going to stop oil, coal and gas from skyrocketing. The increased production and consumption of hybrid vehicles that won't deliver what's needed will prove to be overwhelmingly more wasteful that any gains made on the SUV front.

>The power of the American market...

... is a myth based on a false production/consumption model that will explode on all our faces very soon. There's no stopping it Max. And, it's not my falt either.

>your hero All Gore flies in an old gas hog private jet and his BIG house is using more power this year than last

First, he's not my hero. Ralph Nader is. But, there are a lot of housekeperrs who have messy houses, and marriage counselors with messed up personal lives, and green advocates who drive SUV's. So, I'm not sure we can hold his litttle transgressions against him.

>>my point> a call to use your and my oil money going into Saudi pockets to speed up oil's replacement.

There is no oil replacement.