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03/14/02 12:00 PM

#2797 RE: WTMHouston #2794

Troy, If I were about to take a large position in a company I would do exactly what you are doing, especially if I did not know other long term investors. However, I would first call the management and ask them to explain the questions you are asking the posters. As you get to know the regular posters on Ihub, we will fine they are all good honest people who are trying to help you with the questions you have ask. However, you do appear (to me) to be rather abrasive with your answers, and perhaps that is not your intention.

If my choice of investment was to daytrade it for quick return I would not worry, but if you are doing your DD to your standards, which seem to be more detailed then what you are getting form the posters here, I suggest you call the office and talk to Ray or John.

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03/14/02 1:34 PM

#2805 RE: WTMHouston #2794

Troy. Your comments and my response below...........

Excel says...........................................
<<WTM has come here and picked apart the filings. And admits he has been wrong about his numbers.>>

Troy says...................
Now why would you say that if you were really interested in an honest, open, frank discussion of this company? Is that what this board is or is it just rah-rah for NVEI with everything and everyone else unwelcome?

Excel says........................................
My statement was true. Thats why I said it. If you want to try to tell me there hasn't been open discussion of NV then I say go back and read the last 2,000 posts or so. You will see PLENTY of anti NV posts.

Troy says..................
Contrary to your statement and implication, what I admitted was that I was wrong about my recollection of a total number from NVEI's 10K. It is inaccurate for you to recharacterize my honest admission of a fallible memory (and one that I said might be incorrectly remembered when I first posted it) as admitting that I have "been wrong about his numbers."

In response to your question regarding why I am posting here:

I am a member of IHUB and have decided that I would like to look closer at and discuss this company and its stock. Is any more necessary? Unlike many people, apparently, my looks are typically very thorough. Unlike many people, apparently, I am willing to question apparent inconsistencies. I am not (nor should anyone else be) willing to accept anyone's claims (including posters and management) at face value. No one who is interested in protecting their hard earned money should either. If NVEI is as solid (or speculatively solid) as some believe, then people should be neither offended nor threatened by someone who wants to look at a company other than through rose-colored long glasses.

Excel says................................................
I asked you a SIMPLE question. Why you were here? Thinking of buying? Or other motives? You answered it for me. Now was that so hard?

Troy says.....................
At present, I have no position in NVEI nor have I ever had any position in NVEI (sounds like I am denying being a communist). Aside from what I have read on this thread (and the other one) I know no one who has any position in NVEI and I do not personally know anyone on either thread. I am considering (but have not yet decided on) an investment in relation to NVEI. But, long-term long is not the only way to invest -- especially over the last two years.

If I decide to invest in or in relation to NVEI, I will disclose it. Until then, I will discuss it. Isn't that what this board is for?


PS -- the only times I have responded to anything in less than an objective way is when such comments have been addressed to or about me first. I would much rather discuss NVEI and not the people who post.

Excel says...............................................
Yes Troy. This board is for discussing. Please read Ernie McClouds post though about message boards. I want both side of the coin. But you also have to understand the reality is 95% of the people are here because they believe in the future success of NV. So that being said the natural ways of a message board are positive. I do not like or deserve to hear from people the rah rah term as I do everything I can to have both sides presented.

I would call John Howell and discuss with him your concerns. It has helped me a great deal.

No one in their right mind will tell you this company hasn't made some huge mistakes in the past.

But like others in the business world they have learned to surround themselves with the right professionals that IMO will bring the future success ratio up considerably.

Been here yet?