Goacs, Thank you very much! Excellent info! As for Dog and I being closely related? You know what they say about the gene pool in Alabama! Anything is possible! I guess you answered part of what I was needing, I still do not understand from the PR's we have from the company if we have a patented Gold Mine or a patented Gold Mine Claim. We are LEAD to think in the PR's and pictures the company provided that we have a Gold Mine with Gold Veins in plain view. A tailings mound that would support a 3rd world country. Just wondering what it is we really have.
As for the other properties around the original Saturday Night Live LOL LOL LOL mines, I had no idea we had as many as the map shows. Musta been counting my pennies for my next investment.
What you did bring out was Lead, Copper and other minerals were located on these properties;LEAD is no where near the price of GOLD LOL LOL LOL, seems someone ha put the old lead in the bag and made it GOLD LOL LOL LOL, we were sold a GOLD MINE. Guess it is to hard for this simple little Alabama Gal to understand.
Dog should I call you Cuz???? LOL LOL LOL