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06/23/08 5:44 AM

#132 RE: Golden Cross #131

Even if Oilsands Quest had no oilsand, it doesn’t much matter - Well. I agree with you -
Cramer looks at BQI as a real-estate trade.
The company just has to fetch the same price for
its Saskatchewan land that Ivanhoe Energy

3.53 -0.20 -5.36%
Quote | Chart | News | Profile
[IVAN 3.53 -0.20 (-5.36%) ] recently shelled out for
leases in the nearby Alberta sands to boost BQI stock 156%.

Now Cramer’s not saying BQI will jump that much.
But it’s not outside the realm of possibility, he said.
And even if BQI only gets 50% of what Ivanhoe paid, the
stock still pops to $8.34 from its present level of $6.24.

God Bless

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06/23/08 1:20 PM

#133 RE: Golden Cross #131

Oilsands Quest: Looking to Break Out (Jim Cramer Edition) -

As I wrote on June 3rd, Oilsands Quest (BQI) has now broken out. I'm not an extreme technician and not looking for any kudos, but I am happy for the recognition this powerhouse has finally achieved.

You see, the world clearly needs oil and the companies that are doing their part to solve the problem should be richly rewarded for their efforts. Oil is not water and when it is burned it is gone forever. That's a fact any smart investor can take as truth. What can't be taken as truth until confirmed are terms like speculation and Peak Oil. Plain and simple, oil burns, it's finite, and get used to it!

So, basing an investment on the confirmed truth that oil is finite should yield you some serious gains and that's where Oilsands Quest comes into play. They have the oil, 10 billion barrels of it, and they have the attention as of this week.

Even the street barker Jim Cramer has finally come to recognize this little darling of Saskatchewan. On Friday I had the extreme displeasure of watching him return from break sitting in a mini sand box with oil pylons in it. I got a little bit sick in my mouth when he mentioned my little darling and now I'll tell you why.

He tends to be a little scuzzy and uniformed at best. Here he is pumping my favorite and deepest investment and he doesn't even get the facts straight. A great pumper he is but a fact checker he is not! Ask the kind folks on the IV board if you want facts. That is a community of the most educated and dedicated investors I have ever seen. Pardon my digression and forgive my ramblings I'll proceed to the meat. Jim, you uninformed pumper, Oilsands Quest has had an independent evaluation of Axe Lake. McDaniels and Associates had responsibility for this evaluation and you can read it here.

Wait, I'll make it easy for you - this represents a small portion of OIlsands Quest's land. From the report:

Discovered Resources of Original Bitumen in Place

* Low Estimate (P-90): 1.117 billion barrels;
* Best Estimate (P-50): 1.344 billion barrels; and,
* High Estimate (P-10): 1.547 billion barrels.

Jim, I'd take the high side and maybe multiply it a couple of times If I were you. Suddenly, your little "real estate play" has a third party confirmation and real oil. Make that conservatively 10 billion barrels of oil. But hey Jim, I got a deal for you, you buy it for the real estate and I'll be buying for the oil. Your valuation might factor a 153% increase where mine is looking for 400% at least. And regarding your comment that there is now news coming....oh Jim, how could you? News is coming believe you me. It's coming Jim and it's going to involve a lot more than real estate.

Think Jim, think!

* Winter drilling results
* Joint Venture agreement
* Reservoir testing
* Axe Lake 1,2, and 3
* Ravens Ridge
* Wallace Creek
* SAGD maybe better
* Petrobank donut hole
* Buyout/Merger

Oh Jimmy boy, I'm probably speaking greek to you, but I don't want to make it too easy. Do your homework you owe it to your investors. What if the cap rock issue was really an issue? It's not of course but would you know?

Here is what I believe to be true (not confirmed):

* Oilsands Quest is undervalued by several billion dollars
* Oilsands Quest has 10 billion plus barrels of oil
* Joint Venture agreement is probably sooner that most think
* OIl ain't gettting any cheaper

There is so much upside to this incredible company and management team that it's not possible to cover it all here. As usual, I suggest investors to do their own due diligence before buying.

Disclosure: Long
Robert Ennis
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This article has 2 comments! Add yours below...

well said -
imo. tia.

God Bless
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08/05/08 5:44 PM

#152 RE: Golden Cross #131


Capital spending in the oilsands:

1999 $2.4 billion

2000 $4.2 billion

2001 $5.9 billion

2002 $6.8 billion

2003 $5.0 billion

2004 $6.2 billion

2005 $10.4 billion

2006 $14.3 billion

2007 $17 billion

2008 $20 billion (est.)

2009 $20 billion (est.)

Source: Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers

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08/15/08 12:19 PM

#154 RE: Golden Cross #131

Canadian oil sand equals U.S., Russia, and UAE COMBINED! -

Watch the video -

well, the video is not fair in sense of the enviromental rules in place -
I am a bird lover and it has to be said;
that safety nettings cover the ponds etc. are most often in
place so birds can't enter -
but unfortunate a mistake did happen -

The ponds are supposed to have measures in place that keep
migrating waterfowl from landing on the ponds, such as
ex. scarecrows and noisemakers etc. -

In a news release issued, Syncrude's president and CEO Tom
Katinas said noisemakers had been deployed at all
the company's other tailings ponds.

"However, due to the extreme winter weather conditions in the
region last week, the deployment of these devices on
the Aurora Settling Basin was delayed," he said.

"After the rapid weekend thaw, we were in the process of
deploying the audible noisemakers on Monday, April 28th
when this incident occurred. Eighteen propane-fired
noisemakers are now operating at this site."

This is the first time such a large flock of birds has been
affected in Syncrude's 30-year history, he said, adding the
company estimates that 400 to 500 birds are affected.

Efforts to rescue the surviving birds are being hampered by
ice around the pond's edges.
There are also reports the ducks are diving to avoid
humans who try to come near.

In statement released on Tuesday, Alberta Environment said:
"Under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act
(EPEA), Alberta requires that Syncrude have a waterfowl
protection plan in place that includes a comprehensive
bird deterrent program for all tailings ponds.

"If Syncrude did not comply, the Alberta government will
take action, with penalties up to $1 million."

Environment Canada has said it will work in conjunction
with the provincial department.

We hope no more mistakes will happen -

God Bless America

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08/20/08 1:03 PM

#163 RE: Golden Cross #131

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett visit Alberta oilsands -
Jon Harding , Calgary Herald
Published: Tuesday, August 19, 2008

CALGARY - Two of the world's richest people, Microsoft Corp. founder Bill Gates and his friend, American investment magnate Warren Buffett, quietly flew into northeastern Alberta on Monday, where they took in the oilsands, apparently with awe....

Canadian oil sand equals U.S., Russia, and UAE COMBINED!

Watch the video.

God Bless America
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08/21/08 11:07 PM

#165 RE: Golden Cross #131

Alberta Oil Sands Profit from the Oil Reserve 8 Times Bigger
Than Saudi Arabia's -

The Herald has learned that billionaires Bill Gates -
and Warren Buffett paid a quiet visit -
the Alberta oilsands, Monday -

Canadian oil sand equals U.S., Russia, and UAE COMBINED! -

Watch the video -

BQI - has the largest land holdings of all -
and with only a small % drilled billions of brls.
massive discoveries made -
black gold with grit bargain -
imo. tia.

God Bless America

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01/13/11 2:05 PM

#224 RE: Golden Cross #131

Axe Lake, Wallace Creek and Raven Ridge. As a result of this review,
the Company has determined that the resource base in these areas
could support three projects having the potential for producing,
in aggregate, 100,000 barrels a day of bitumen and that our
recoverable resources will ultimately be within the range
of the previously disclosed -

Total Income Estimation: $92,860,000.00 / day :-)

New York Mercantile Exchange › CRUDE OIL Mar 2011 (E) (NYMEX:CL.H11.E) $92.86
2011-01-13 13:25:35,

Oilsands Quest posts operational review presentation to be webcast

Oilsands Quest (AMEX:BQI)
Intraday Stock Chart
Today : Thursday 13 January 2011
ilsands Quest Inc. (NYSE Amex: BQI) ("OQI" or "the Company") has posted to its website the operational review presentation to be delivered via webcast on January 13, 2011 from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. MST (10:00 to 11:30 a.m. EST). The material new information from the presentation is set out below. The webcast can be accessed at, or at the following link:

The objective of the operational review is to provide investors with a detailed update on the Company's latest technical work and current thinking with respect to the development of its oil sands assets.

Over the past few months, the Company has undertaken a detailed review of its core assets at Axe Lake, Wallace Creek and Raven Ridge. As a result of this review, the Company has determined that the resource base in these areas could support three projects having the potential for producing, in aggregate, 100,000 barrels a day of bitumen and that our recoverable resources will ultimately be within the range of the previously disclosed "High" estimates of contingent resources at Axe Lake and Raven Ridge and the "Best" estimates of contingent plus prospective at Wallace Creek of our independent resource evaluator, McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd. ("McDaniel").

At Axe Lake, some of the key determining factors in differentiating McDaniel's "Best" and "High" estimates of resources in their report as of April 30, 2010 (the "2010 Report") are related to the geology overlying the reservoir; whether or not the clay-rich glacial till layer is present over the entire development area, is in direct contact with the top of the bitumen, and will be effective as a steam containment barrier.

Based on its interpretation of drilling and seismic data, as well as recent independent testing of core samples of the overburden, OQI believes that the glacial till overburden layer is present over virtually the entire development area and likely able to contain steam under commercial steam-assisted gravity drainage ("SAGD") production conditions. Assuming the completion of a successful pilot and additional proof of the position and extent of the clay rich glacial till layer through overburden characterization drilling, the Company believes that the "High" estimate of contingent resources in the 2010 Report will be more reflective of the quantum of recoverable resources on our properties. Assuming that sufficient capital resources were available for a fall 2011 start-up of the planned SAGD pilot project to confirm these assumptions, OQI believes that a commercial project capable of producing 35,000 to 40,000 barrels per day could start up in 2017. If the SAGD pilot is unsuccessful, the Company would need to consider other technologies to develop the assets.

At Raven Ridge, the reservoir in the northeast corner of the prospect is similar to the reservoir in parts of Axe Lake and OQI believes that this reservoir could be developed in conjunction with Axe Lake using a SAGD process that is consistent with what is in use for other oil sands projects, assuming that sufficient capital is available. The remaining area in this prospect, together with the southern portion of Axe Lake, has a top lean zone that is similar to much of the reservoir at Cenovus' adjacent Borealis Project called Telephone Lake. If Cenovus' dewatering process planned at Borealis can be applied to part of the Raven Ridge and Axe Lake reservoirs that have defined structures and thin to moderate top lean zones, OQI believes that the quantum of incremental recoverable resources would be closer to the "High" estimate of contingent resources at Raven Ridge, as reflected in the 2010 Report. Assuming that sufficient capital is available and further technical work on the recovery process is successful, the Raven Ridge project start-up could occur in 2021.

At Wallace Creek, the Company is currently focussed on proving up resources through a winter drilling program, and is commencing an 11 well exploration program in two weeks. Future drilling at Wallace Creek will depend on the results of the 2011 drilling program. OQI's conceptual development roadmap projects a start-up of a 35,000 barrel-per-day project at Wallace Creek in 2019, assuming, among other factors, successful outcomes of the current delineation drilling and access to sufficient capital resources.

As at December 31, 2010, Oilsands Quest has no debt and sufficient financial resources to carry out its planned activities until the fall of 2011.

There can be no assurance that the strategic alternatives process (the "Process") will result in a financing or a sale of the Company or in any other transaction. The Company does not intend to comment on the Process unless the Board agrees to a definitive transaction or the Process is concluded. The Company may seek interim financing as required while the Process is underway.

Investors will be able to ask questions during the webcast by e-mail and are encouraged to review the cautionary statement about forward-looking statements at the beginning of the presentation and the full disclosure of risks to these plans in the Company's 10-K report for the financial year ended April 30, 2010 and subsequent 10-Q reports.
by futr thanks good info :-)

only small area drilled yet of the total BQI Oil Sand Res. -